chabotó (s) chabotodie (pl)


Esp. Si dice “chi chi chi chi” está avisando que se va a derramar sangre, o a alguien le va a picar una cascabel.

Ayo. Chatatá to jétiga pujomé ñajaí idogosí chise yoque. 

Eng. If this bird says "chi chi chi chi" it is warning that blood is gping to come out, or that someone is going to be biten by a snake.


The material shared in this entry was documented as part of a British Academy funded research project in 2018 on Ayoreo bird knowledge in the Paraguayan Chaco (Wyndham, PI). The information and drawings come from 8-10 individuals interviewed during July 2018; all gave explicit permission to share the information with the public so as to increase public appreciation of Ayoreo language, ecological knowledge, and deep ties to the landscapes of the northern Chaco. 

Imesi Dosapé
Location Description: 

Traditional Ayoreo territories of the Northern Chaco, Paraguay & Bolivia

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