Ethno-ornithology online communities:
On Facebook, the ethno-ornithology group shares posts about worldwide ethno-ornithology (not affiliated w/ EWA, but we like it!).
EWA aims to provide a space where communities can lead and carry out their own ecological documentation, with or without sharing traditional knowledge with a larger audience.
Resources for community led or co-directed work in ethnoecology:
The International Society of Ethnobiology (ISE) Ethics Toolkit is a collection of publications and case studies relating to best practices in ethnobiology research, teaching, and publishing
EWA endorses and asks that contributors follow the The International Society of Ethnobiology’s (ISE) Code of Ethics
IFAD Note on Seeking Free, Prior and Informed Consent : English
Downloadable pdf of the WIPO toolkit for documenting Traditional Knowledge
Method and techniques in ethnoecology:
How to record stories (technological and method advice):
Working with oral histories:
Tips on how to record your oral history within your family:
Other useful links:
The Ethnos Project is a research portal and resource database that explores the intersection of indigeneity and information and communication technologies. They have a thorough resource database of their own.
Mukurtu is a free, mobile, and open source platform built with indigenous communities to manage and share digital cultural heritage. The link takes you to a showcase of participating projects.
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Arabic | English | French | Spanish
State of world's indigenous peoples
Strengthening partnerships in philanthropy: Building Effective Grantmaking in Indigenous Communities