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Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, Regions (or places not covered by formal maps), Biology / ecology, CultureSummary
Lecture by Prof Andrew Gosler to Linnean Society 26 January 2024
Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, CultureSummary
Published in BTO News, Autumn 2022Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, Asia, ConservationSummary
SYMPOSIA and ROUND TABLE at the International Congress Conservation Biology (ICCB) 2021Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, Asia, ConservationSummary
SYMPOSIA and ROUND TABLE at the International Congress Conservation Biology (ICCB) 2021Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, Oceania, Conservation, Behavioural observations, Sacred/ divine/ spirit world, Symbolisms, Hunting/ collectingSummary
The symbolic relevance of Manumea in the Samoa culture and the use of local ecological knowledge for the conservation of Manumea