Jay Ruka talks about 'Huia Come Home'

Jay Ruka's book 'Huia Come Home' is a landmark: a balm for healing the scars left by the history of colonialism and conservation seen through the eyes of Iwi - the first people in Aotearoa New Zealand.

From the cover of 'Huia Come Home':

Huia e huia, tangata kotahi!

Huia, your destiny is to bring everyone together!

-- Maori proverb

Once the sacred guardian of New Zealand's native forests, the huia was a symbol of the land's unique beauty and spirituality. the rare bird's tragic extinction in the early 1900s represents a shot to the heart of Aotearoa and is a potent metaphor for the country's conflicted history.

Using the story of the untimely extinction of the huia, Jay Ruka offers a fresh perspective on the narrative of Aotearoa; a tale of two cultures, warring worldviews, and the things we lost on translation.

Revisiting the early missionaries, the transformative message of the gospel and the cultural missteps of the Treaty of Waitangi, Huia Come Home invites us to reconnect with the unique story offered by the indigenous Maori lens.

In relearning the history that lies in the soil of Aotearoa, we might just find a shared hope for the future and a recovery of natonal treasures once thought to be extinct.

Background to Huia Come Home

See J. Ruka talking about Huia Come Home

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