Desfayes' Thesaurus of Bird Names
The EWA Community will be forever grateful to Michel Desfayes for his inspirational lifelong commitment to conserving this knowledge for us all. Without his dedication much of this heritage would have been lost forever. We present the Thesaurus here in its original CD form. Please use and enjoy it, use it for research, teaching and conservation. We suggest that appropriate citation for research publication accessed through EWA is: Desfayes, M. 1998. A Thesaurus of Bird Names: Etymology of European Lexis Through Paradigms Musée cantonal d'histoire naturelle, Switzerland at * Note that the paradigmatic approach used by Michel Desfayes is rarely used by linguists today, and therefore etymologies derived by this approach might disagree with those based on other principles used by linguists today.
Access A Thesaurus of Bird Names: Etymology of European Lexis Through Paradigms here: and click on 'search'
Access Desfayes Collection here: and click on 'search'.
Please note that searches are case specific and will return all references to the search term.
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