Druk Bja Tshering

We are a community passionate about the knowledge, protection, and conservation of birds in Bhutan.  Druk Bja Tshering refers to a common symbol in Bhutan, the bird of long life, translating to "Bhutan Birds of Longevity", in support of sustaining a long-lived connection between birds and people in the country and beyond. With a particular interest in the connections between birds, language, and culture in the E. Himalayas, we endeavor to involve local people in sharing stories about the birds they find in their local environments, and document unique cultural knowledge related to regional avian diversity.  While ethno-ornithology is in its infancy in the Kingdom, there is a growing number of passionate birders who seek not only to learn about and preserve the diversity of birds, but also the diversity of cultures and languages that intersect with the winged world.



Recent DH Items
People + Birds Around the World, Druk Bja Tshering
Culture, Sacred/ divine/ spirit world, Material culture, Ceremonial/ ritual
This festival is hosted in November and welcomes the widely referenced heavenly and sacred species into the Kingdom