Conservationist Stephen Awoyemi talks to Andy Gosler about his first close encounter with birds
on 14 Dec 2012, Stephen Awoyemi, a conservationist who had mostly worked online was taken bird ringing for the first time. Here he talks about this and his work.Narrative:
Stephen Awoyemi is a conservation biologist who in 2012 had been inspired by nature enough to want to conserve it, but without having had much first-hand experience of it. He travelled from Ibadan to Joss to meet Andy Gosler, who was visiting the A.P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI): . On 12 December they went bird ringing and Stephen got to release a bird for the first time. The experience made a deep impression on him, as revealed in this short interview. The species here named were all ringed that morning with Stephen.
Stephen AwoyemiLocation:
Location Description:
APLORI (AP Leventis Ornithological Research Institue)