A name for the Long-tailed Tit. Like bumbarrel, the name is a reference to the nest, which is the shape of a decanter-like spherical bottles commonly used in England in the 17th century. These were squat and spherical and perhaps help date the name. Many Long-tailed Tit names, including bumbarrel and bottle-tit refer to brewing, and the production and consumption of alcoholic beverage and especially beer. This is more interesting when we note that many bird names with nest and egg references (note the egg-marking names of buntings) were most likely coined by children who collected eggs. The nest is an enclosed ball of moss hair and lichen held together with spider's web.
on 14 Dec 2012, Stephen Awoyemi, a conservationist who had mostly worked online was taken bird ringing for the first time. Here he talks about this and his work.
A name for the Long-tailed Tit. The name may be a reference to nest since a bumbarrel was a small squat barrel used in the being industry in England, and the nest is an enclosed ball of moss hair and lichen held together with spider's web.
These posters are part of a BirdWords series called "Birds That Tell People Things" -- eventually, there will be several for various languages worldwide. We share these printable and editable birdword posters for your use.
Threats, Bird song & calls, Behavioural observations, Relations w/ other life & landscape, Teachings
Resources for 'bird language exploration' to increase awareness of bird calls and behaviour as well as 'birding on the trail' to help with finding and identifying birds. Follow these links to find science and teaching resources for field instructors.
Other (use keywords), Sustainable Development Goals relevant, Stewardship, Relations w/ other life & landscape, Preferred habitats, Visual/ material/ movement arts, Teachings
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