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Bird And Other Animal Species
- Heteralocha acutirostris (2) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Heteralocha acutirostris</i></span> filter
- Ardea cinerea (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Ardea cinerea</i></span> filter
- Erithacus rubecula (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Erithacus rubecula</i></span> filter
- Myadestes townsendi (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Myadestes townsendi</i></span> filter
- Rhynchophanes mccownii (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Rhynchophanes mccownii</i></span> filter
- Setophaga auduboni (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Setophaga auduboni</i></span> filter
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Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, Regions (or places not covered by formal maps), Biology / ecology, CultureSummary
Lecture by Prof Andrew Gosler to Linnean Society 26 January 2024
Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, CultureSummary
Published in BTO News, Autumn 2022Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, South America, Southeast Asia, Oceania, North America, Meso-america, Global, Europe, Asia, Africa, Markers of environ. change, Conservation, Stewardship, Bird song & calls, Behavioural observations, Phenology/ seasonality, Relations w/ other life & landscape, Ontology, Omens/ augury/ harbingers/ messengersSummary
Online supplemental materials for the articles Wyndham and Park 2022 and Wyndham and Park 2018, published by The Condor (now Ornithological Applications) and the Journal of Ethnobiology respectively. Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, Oceania, Conservation, Behavioural observations, Sacred/ divine/ spirit world, Symbolisms, Hunting/ collectingSummary
The symbolic relevance of Manumea in the Samoa culture and the use of local ecological knowledge for the conservation of ManumeaDigital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, Asia, ConservationSummary
SYMPOSIA and ROUND TABLE at the International Congress Conservation Biology (ICCB) 2021Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, Regions (or places not covered by formal maps), Asia, Conservation, Sacred/ divine/ spirit world, Personal narratives, Oral histories, NamingSummary
abunug, a bird that has become functionally extinct around 2012, has had an important cultural relevance in the Near East regionDigital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, Asia, ConservationSummary
SYMPOSIA and ROUND TABLE at the International Congress Conservation Biology (ICCB) 2021Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, Educational materials, Other (use keywords), Oceania, Feathers, Conservation, Lessons learned, Culture, Sacred/ divine/ spirit world, Teachings, Proper conduct, Political/ rights & responsibilities, Related to UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Personal narratives, Hunting/ collecting, HistoricalSummary
Jay Ruka's book 'Huia Come Home' is a landmark: a balm for healing the scars left by the history of colonialism and conservation seen through the eyes of Iwi - the first people in Aotearoa New Zealand.