- People + Birds Around the World (5) Apply People + Birds Around the World filter
- EWA Resources (2) Apply EWA Resources filter
- Aves y Memoria Biocultural en Humedal Río Cruces - Chile (1) Apply Aves y Memoria Biocultural en Humedal Río Cruces - Chile filter
- Chujunpeone Ayoreo (1) Apply Chujunpeone Ayoreo filter
- South America (7) Apply South America filter
- Educational materials (5) Apply Educational materials filter
- Teachings (3) Apply Teachings filter
- Omens/ augury/ harbingers/ messengers (2) Apply Omens/ augury/ harbingers/ messengers filter
- Africa (1) Apply Africa filter
- Asia (1) Apply Asia filter
- Bibliographic reference (1) Apply Bibliographic reference filter
- Europe (1) Apply Europe filter
- Global (1) Apply Global filter
- Language(s) (1) Apply Language(s) filter
- Meso-america (1) Apply Meso-america filter
- Naming (1) Apply Naming filter
- North America (1) Apply North America filter
- Oceania (1) Apply Oceania filter
- Ontology (1) Apply Ontology filter
- Other (use keywords) (1) Apply Other (use keywords) filter
- Policy related (1) Apply Policy related filter
- Southeast Asia (1) Apply Southeast Asia filter
- Stories (1) Apply Stories filter
- Symbolisms (1) Apply Symbolisms filter
- Visual/ material/ movement arts (1) Apply Visual/ material/ movement arts filter
Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Bibliographic reference, South America, Southeast Asia, Oceania, North America, Meso-america, Global, Europe, Asia, Africa, Markers of environ. change, Conservation, Stewardship, Bird song & calls, Behavioural observations, Phenology/ seasonality, Relations w/ other life & landscape, Ontology, Omens/ augury/ harbingers/ messengersSummary
Online supplemental materials for the articles Wyndham and Park 2022 and Wyndham and Park 2018, published by The Condor (now Ornithological Applications) and the Journal of Ethnobiology respectively. 
Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Educational materials, South America, Biology / ecology, Conservation, Threats, Stewardship, Protected areas, Bird song & calls, Behavioural observations, Relations w/ other life & landscape, Teachings, Symbolisms, Policy related, Naming, Language(s)Summary
Una colección de artículos de Alberto Yanosky, publicados en el diario "El Nacional". En forma PDF y en enlace webDigital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Educational materials, South America, Conservation, Lessons learned, Relations w/ other life & landscapeSummary
La primera parte de una entrevista con Don Hipólito Acevei, del pueblo Guaraní OccidentalDigital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Educational materials, South America, Relations w/ other life & landscape, StoriesSummary
La sexta parte en una entrevista con Don Hipólito Acevei, del pueblo Guaraní Occidental. Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Educational materials, South America, Markers of environ. change, Conservation, Relations w/ other life & landscapeSummary
La cuarta parte de una entrevista con Don Hipólito Acevei, en conversación con Alberto Yanosky y Felice WyndhamDigital Heritage
EWA ResourcesCategory
Other (use keywords), Sustainable Development Goals relevant, Stewardship, Relations w/ other life & landscape, Preferred habitats, Visual/ material/ movement arts, TeachingsSummary
Follow this link to become part of a community, draw maps, learn about habitats and create change.Digital Heritage
EWA ResourcesCategory
Threats, Bird song & calls, Behavioural observations, Relations w/ other life & landscape, TeachingsSummary
Resources for 'bird language exploration' to increase awareness of bird calls and behaviour as well as 'birding on the trail' to help with finding and identifying birds. Follow these links to find science and teaching resources for field instructors.Digital Heritage
Chujunpeone AyoreoCategory
South America, Indicators, Relations w/ other life & landscape, Omens/ augury/ harbingers/ messengers, NamesAnimals
Bubulcus ibis (Cattle Egret)Digital Heritage
Aves y Memoria Biocultural en Humedal Río Cruces - ChileCategory
Educational materials, South America, Important Bird Areas (IBAs), Crucial habitat threats/ needs, Relations w/ other life & landscapeSummary
Charlas con la Sociedad Chilena de Socioecología y Etnoecología (SOSOET).