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Bird And Other Animal Species
- Acrocephalus palustris (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Acrocephalus palustris</i></span> filter
- Alauda arvensis (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Alauda arvensis</i></span> filter
- Anthus trivialis (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Anthus trivialis</i></span> filter
- Apus apus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Apus apus</i></span> filter
- Burhinus oedicnemus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Burhinus oedicnemus</i></span> filter
- Buteo buteo (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Buteo buteo</i></span> filter
- Caprimulgus europaeus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Caprimulgus europaeus</i></span> filter
- Carduelis carduelis (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Carduelis carduelis</i></span> filter
- Certhia familiaris (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Certhia familiaris</i></span> filter
- Coccothraustes coccothraustes (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Coccothraustes coccothraustes</i></span> filter
- Columba palumbus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Columba palumbus</i></span> filter
- Coturnix coturnix (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Coturnix coturnix</i></span> filter
- Crex crex (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Crex crex</i></span> filter
- Cuculus canorus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Cuculus canorus</i></span> filter
- Cyanistes caeruleus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Cyanistes caeruleus</i></span> filter
- Delichon urbicum (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Delichon urbicum</i></span> filter
- Dendrocopos major (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Dendrocopos major</i></span> filter
- Dryobates minor (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Dryobates minor</i></span> filter
- Emberiza calandra (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Emberiza calandra</i></span> filter
- Emberiza cirlus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Emberiza cirlus</i></span> filter
- Emberiza citrinella (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Emberiza citrinella</i></span> filter
- Erithacus rubecula (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Erithacus rubecula</i></span> filter
- Fringilla coelebs (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Fringilla coelebs</i></span> filter
- Garrulus glandarius (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Garrulus glandarius</i></span> filter
- Jynx torquilla (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Jynx torquilla</i></span> filter
- Lanius collurio (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Lanius collurio</i></span> filter
- Lullula arborea (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Lullula arborea</i></span> filter
- Luscinia megarhynchos (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Luscinia megarhynchos</i></span> filter
- Milvus milvus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Milvus milvus</i></span> filter
- Motacilla flava (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Motacilla flava</i></span> filter
- Muscicapa striata (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Muscicapa striata</i></span> filter
- Parus major (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Parus major</i></span> filter
- Passer domesticus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Passer domesticus</i></span> filter
- Passer montanus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Passer montanus</i></span> filter
- Perdix perdix (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Perdix perdix</i></span> filter
- Periparus ater (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Periparus ater</i></span> filter
- Phoenicurus phoenicurus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Phoenicurus phoenicurus</i></span> filter
- Phylloscopus collybita (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Phylloscopus collybita</i></span> filter
- Phylloscopus sibilatrix (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Phylloscopus sibilatrix</i></span> filter
- Pica pica (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Pica pica</i></span> filter
- Picus viridis (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Picus viridis</i></span> filter
- Poecile montanus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Poecile montanus</i></span> filter
- Prunella modularis (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Prunella modularis</i></span> filter
- Pyrrhula pyrrhula (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Pyrrhula pyrrhula</i></span> filter
- Regulus regulus (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Regulus regulus</i></span> filter
- Saxicola rubetra (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Saxicola rubetra</i></span> filter
- Sitta europaea (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Sitta europaea</i></span> filter
- Streptopelia decaocto (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Streptopelia decaocto</i></span> filter
- Streptopelia turtur (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Streptopelia turtur</i></span> filter
- Strix aluco (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Strix aluco</i></span> filter
- Sylvia atricapilla (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Sylvia atricapilla</i></span> filter
- Sylvia communis (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Sylvia communis</i></span> filter
- Troglodytes troglodytes (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Troglodytes troglodytes</i></span> filter
- Turdus merula (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Turdus merula</i></span> filter
- Turdus philomelos (1) Apply <span class="notranslate"><i>Turdus philomelos</i></span> filter
- Europe (4) Apply Europe filter
- Other (use keywords) (4) Apply Other (use keywords) filter
- Educational materials (3) Apply Educational materials filter
- Visual/ material/ movement arts (3) Apply Visual/ material/ movement arts filter
- Biology / ecology (2) Apply Biology / ecology filter
- Global (2) Apply Global filter
- Culture (1) Apply Culture filter
- North America (1) Apply North America filter
- Related to UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (1) Apply Related to UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples filter
- Stories (1) Apply Stories filter
Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Educational materials, Europe, Biology / ecology, Markers of environ. change, Conservation, Observed changes, Bird song & calls, Preferred habitats, Personal narratives, Names, HistoricalSummary
Twenty-four bird species that have become rare or extinct in the last 100 years, most in the last 40 years.Animals
Luscinia megarhynchos (Common Nightingale), Caprimulgus europaeus (European Nightjar), Acrocephalus palustris (Marsh Warbler), Streptopelia turtur (European Turtle-dove), Poecile montanus (Willow Tit), Anthus trivialis (Tree Pipit), Dryobates minor (Lesser Spotted Woodpecker), Jynx torquilla (Eurasian Wryneck), Lullula arborea (Woodlark), Crex crex (Corncrake), Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Wood Warbler), Emberiza calandra (Corn Bunting), Emberiza citrinella (Yellowhammer), Emberiza cirlus (Cirl Bunting), Phoenicurus phoenicurus (Common Redstart), Coturnix coturnix (Common Quail), Perdix perdix (Grey Partridge), Passer montanus (Eurasian Tree Sparrow), Motacilla flava (Western Yellow Wagtail), Lanius collurio (Red-backed Shrike), Muscicapa striata (Spotted Flycatcher), Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Hawfinch), Burhinus oedicnemus (Eurasian Thick-knee), Saxicola rubetra (Whinchat)Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Educational materials, Europe, Bird song & calls, Preferred habitats, Naming, NamesSummary
A short movie featuring 31 species local to Oxford with habitat and song to help people learn to recognise the songs they hearAnimals
Turdus merula (Eurasian Blackbird), Erithacus rubecula (European Robin), Troglodytes troglodytes (Northern Wren), Columba palumbus (Common Woodpigeon), Fringilla coelebs (Common Chaffinch), Parus major (Great Tit), Cyanistes caeruleus (Eurasian Blue Tit), Periparus ater (Coal Tit), Prunella modularis (Dunnock), Cuculus canorus (Common Cuckoo), Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Eurasian Bullfinch), Dendrocopos major (Great Spotted Woodpecker), Picus viridis (Eurasian Green Woodpecker), Carduelis carduelis (European Goldfinch), Sylvia atricapilla (Eurasian Blackcap), Passer domesticus (House Sparrow), Certhia familiaris (Eurasian Treecreeper), Strix aluco (Tawny Owl), Milvus milvus (Red Kite), Buteo buteo (Eurasian Buzzard), Alauda arvensis (Eurasian Skylark), Streptopelia decaocto (Eurasian Collared-dove), Regulus regulus (Goldcrest), Phylloscopus collybita (Common Chiffchaff), Sylvia communis (Common Whitethroat), Sitta europaea (Eurasian Nuthatch), Turdus philomelos (Song Thrush), Delichon urbicum (Northern House Martin), Apus apus (Common Swift), Pica pica (Eurasian Magpie), Garrulus glandarius (Eurasian Jay)Digital Heritage
EWA ResourcesCategory
Other (use keywords), Sustainable Development Goals relevant, Stewardship, Relations w/ other life & landscape, Preferred habitats, Visual/ material/ movement arts, TeachingsSummary
Follow this link to become part of a community, draw maps, learn about habitats and create change.Digital Heritage
EWA ResourcesCategory
Threats, Bird song & calls, Behavioural observations, Relations w/ other life & landscape, TeachingsSummary
Resources for 'bird language exploration' to increase awareness of bird calls and behaviour as well as 'birding on the trail' to help with finding and identifying birds. Follow these links to find science and teaching resources for field instructors.
Digital Heritage
EWA ResourcesCategory
Phenology/ seasonality, Expressions/ sayings, Names, Omens/ augury/ harbingers/ messengers, Teachings, EuropeSummary
These posters are part of a BirdWords series called "Birds That Tell People Things" -- eventually, there will be several for various languages worldwide. We share these printable and editable birdword posters for your use.Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Lessons learned, Observed changes, Migrations, Children, Teachings, North AmericaSummary
Resources for teachers: Swallow migrations and other migratorsDigital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Teachings, StoriesSummary
TK Reite Notebooks is a toolkit for documenting and practicing traditional knowledge for future generations. At its heart is a respect for indigenous self-determination. The toolkit combines digital technologies and paper. It is low cost, simple to use anDigital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Observed changes, Stewardship, Children, TeachingsSummary
GardenWatch wants people to spend a little bit of time watching the birds in their outdoor space, with a particular focus on 10 common garden bird species.Digital Heritage
EWA ResourcesCategory
Global, Behavioural observations, Phenology/ seasonality, Preferred habitatsSummary
Follow this link to submit or view nature obervations from across the world.Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Culture, Naming, Oral histories, Personal narratives, Related to UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous PeoplesSummary
A list of excellent resources related to language revitalizationDigital Heritage
EWA ResourcesCategory
Other (use keywords), Stewardship, Preferred habitats, TeachingsSummary
Follow this link to find educational resources such as kits and book activities as well as information about workshops and webinars.Digital Heritage
EWA ResourcesCategory
Global, Conservation, Behavioural observationsSummary
Follow this link to find an online guide to birds and bird watching. Digital Heritage
EWA ResourcesCategory
Other (use keywords), Bird song & calls, Behavioural observations, Visual/ material/ movement arts, TeachingsSummary
Follow this link to broaden your understanding of birds with online courses, videos and articles.Digital Heritage
People + Birds Around the WorldCategory
Educational materials, Europe, Biology / ecology, ChildrenSummary
Naturehood is a community project supporting people to take positive action for local wildlife. Digital Heritage
EWA ResourcesCategory
Other (use keywords), Conservation, Bird song & calls, Behavioural observations, Visual/ material/ movement arts, TeachingsSummary
Follow this link for a website which allows you to record bird sightings and observations and share them with other users and researchers.