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14.1.4 The new creature - L'être nouveau

Mod.Greek: Crète, Naxosnossàbrood (neo- = new)
Mod.Greek: Chiosnoussábrood
Mod.Greek: Theraossábrood
Mod.Greekneossóschick, small bird
Mod.Greekneossethe young girls
Anc.Greekneossoto nest
Ital.: Piem.novélnestling
Ital.: Pignanuéluccellino nato di poco
Ital.: Gen.nueluuccellino nato di poco. Evolution of the word
identical to French Noël which cannot phonetically derive from natale. The acceptation of this etymology opens the door to all kinds of speculations. Noël is nothing else than nouvel (an), a commemoration given the meaning of nativity by symbolism and by the same religious zeal which made Pâques, the festival of spring (ð3.7.3.1.), the symbolic commemoration of the resurrection. As for the date of the 25thth of December, it is quite approximative and was probably displaced to coincide with the birth of Jesus; there is every reason to believe that the new year was celebrated at the winter solstice, that is to say on the 22ndnd of December rather than on the conventional date of the first of January.
Ital.: Vercellianvè, (oca) anvèlaucellino, oca, ancora inadatto al volo (novello)
Cat.novelladaconjunt dels ocells novells d'una mateixa cria
Franç.rég.novèchochick (of Lapwing, 158, and collective)
Sbc.eta, mladac, mladiç, mladunacnestling (< mlad nouveau); mlada bride

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