akh = ekh
akhom,akhmu,akom,ahom.- cf. Ar. rakhma Egyptian Vulture, 199
aliti.- (copte) domestic hen ð6.2.32.
anheb.- Pied Kingfisher Cerylerudis
apt,apdw.- water fowl ð6.3.10.
avok.- crow
ba.- "jabiru"
bai.- (copte) Bittern 125 ?, Night Heron 126 ? prob. the same as the preceding name
baïs.- (Coptic) = vaïs
benu.- a heron, prob. the Little Egret, 121
bnw.- phoenix ð3.5.3.1.
bik (Coptic).- cf. Ar. baz, hawk
bjn = benu
bnn = wbnn
caime.- (Coptic) "name of a fowl"
db,deb.- Hoopoe, 263, cf. Berb. tebib (see base t-p ð4.4.12.)
dhroti.- Sacred Ibis Threskiornismelanocephala
dSr.- Flamingo, 24 ("the red one)
ekh.- Ibis chauve Geronticuseremita, 31
gbb.- goose or species of goose
gmi = khemi
gmt.- Glossy Ibis
hent,henti.- a heron
heru-em-aakhi.- a hawk
hb,hibi,hip,hippen.- Sacred Ibis Threskiornismelanocephalað4.4.1.1.
Hwr,hor.- a hawk, Ar. id.
ka.- goose, 27, cf. Caucas. qaz
kbhw.- a waterbird = gbb
khemi,gmi.- "pelican"; prob. the same as khm,akhom q.v. and Anc. Hebr. khem Egyptian Vulture, 199; for confusion pelican and Egyptian Vulture, see No. 103, Ital.
khm = akhom
khen.- goose, cf. Anc. Gr. chèn
khennion.- Quail
khrompi(Coptic).- pigeon
kukuph (Coptic).- Hoopoe, 263
kukupha.- Hoopoe, 263
kukt.- Cuckoo
`kh.- Cormorant
leheras.- Glossy Ibis, 130, cf. Ar. al-hareiz
man,mnwt.- pigeon, cf. Ar. hamam
m.- owl. appears to be the same word as Eg. Ar. hàm
massassa.- owl, cf. Ar. (Palest.) masàsah, No. 238
ma`.- head of a crested bird
mori (Coptic).- cf. Amhar. amorà "vulture"
mnt.- swallow
nchire (Coptic).- cf. Ar. nisr Vulture ð14.5.
nds.- sparrow, i.e. "small" (bird)
nrt,nert.- vulture
neSer (Coptic).- vulture ð14.5.
nh.- Guinea Fowl
niw.- Ostrich
nkht.- Lapwing
ovok = avok
papôi (Coptic).- unidentified
perodias (Coptic).- Black Kite, 215
por,pori,pore,porengi (Coptic).- Quail, 23, ham.-sem. q.v.
psk.- head of the Spoonbill
pta.- cf. Ar. batta "goose"
prt.- Quail, see por
ququpath = kukuph
ro.- goose
roSan,ruSan.- Night Heron, 126
`rt.- a unidentified bird
sda.- Little, or Cattle Egret; also "shake", an allusion to the buoyant flight of these two herons ð6.3.10.
senunu = sununu
smen.- goose; the fattened bird, cf. syr. Smen "fat"; see No. 23, Ham.-Sem.
Snt.- heron
sr.- Egyptian Goose, cf. Tigré ceru, Somali tseru Egyptian Goose Alopochenaegyptiacus
st.- Pintail Duck
sununu.- swallow, Ar. id.
ta.- nestling; also "child"
tnHr,tanerit = nert
tantoli (Coptic).- a fish -eating bird
terepe.- "goose"
tore (Coptic).- Prob. the Black Kite
tre = tore
tyw.- a hawk
vaïs (Coptic).- vulture ð6.1.
vini,wr.- "swallow"
w.- "quail chick"
wbnn.- cf. Berb. wabenna wagtail (Wölfel)
wr.- "swallow"