assyr. | kalu | to cry |
Akk. | kalû | singer |
Akk. | kalbu | dog, Eth. kalb, Hebr. kelebh |
Skr. | kalada | cry |
Basque | kalantza et var. | Herring Gull, 81 |
Pers.(a.litt.) | kalàS | domestic cock, 2 |
Pers. | kalàq et var. | Hooded Crow, 281 |
Pers.(a.litt.) | kalak | owl |
Pers.: Sivand | kalàm | word |
Amh. | kal | voice |
Hebr. | kol | voice |
Gael.I. | cal | voice |
Engl. | call | to shout, anounce etc. |
Engl. | coil | noisy disturbance ("orig. uncertain"; prob. a local pronunciation of the preceding) |
Anc.Greek | kaléo | to call |
Anc.Greek | Kalliopè | goddess of eloquence |
Mod.Greek | kaliandzáris | Buzzard, 211 |
Flemish | kallen | to speak |
Franç. | calembour | jeu de mot |
Franç.: Jersey | calot | noise, dispute, FEW 22: 74 |
Breton | chala | to cause sorrow |
Franç. | chaut (peu me) | peu me chagrine |
Franç.: Boulogne | chalaud | bruit de conversation générale, FEW 23: 196 |
Basque | txaloka | applauds |
Basque | txalapeta | mill clapper |
Lettish | cala | chattering |
Lettish | kaluot | to chatter |
Lith. | kalba | word, language etc. kalbéti to speak |
Russian | kaljákat' | to chatter |
Czech | kalaus | Tawny Owl, 239 |
Sbc. | kelebor | Buzzard, 211 |
Sbc. | kaleb | Herring Gull, 81 |
Sbc. | pupukalo | Hoopoe, 263 |
Sbc. | kajkalo | Corn Crake, 146 |
Ukr. | pugutkalo | Eagle Owl, 247 |
Ukr. | bukalo | Bittern, 125, Bielor. buxalo id. |
Pol. | hupalo | (k>p) Bittern, 125; literally: "that cries hu, pupu,pugut" etc.; (en Ukr. l'élément kalo entre dans la composition de plusieurs noms d'oiseaux d'origine acoustique) |
Franç.: Havre | calinossette | cliquettes, FEW 23: 147 |
Franç.: Jersey | écaliflias | bruit à propos de rien, FEW 23: 196 |
Breton | kel | noise |
Franç. | quel? | lequel? |
Esp. | cual | which , French quel, lequel |
Gael.I. | ceol | music, song |
Gael.I. | ceólaire | Garden Warbler, 357 |
Gael.I. | ceiliûr | warbling, song, greeting, cf. helloð5.24.1. |
Gael.S. | ceiliriche | Whitethroat, 362 |
ON | skàld | poet, satirist |
Engl.reg. | scold | Jay, 290 |
Engl. | scold | to scorn, jeer, reprove |
Germ. | kollern | to gobble (turkey, 5) |
Franç.: Ardennes | cholter | effaroucher les poules FEW 22: 15 |
Tokh. | käln | to sound |
Tokh. | kälywe | glory |
Anc.Greek | kleien | glorify |
ON | skjalla | din, uproar |
Svensk | skvala | to shriek |
Engl. | squall | to utter in screaming tone; a sudden and violent burst of wind |
Engl.: Scot. | skelloch | to shriek, scream |
Svensk | skal | bell |
Germ. | schalle | bell |
Germ. | schallen | to sound |
Germ. | schellente | Goldeneye, 54 |
Franç. | chialer | pleurer. Certainement pas un diminutif de chier! (les dict.) |
Franç.: Tarent. (arg.) | tchelar | pleurer, FEW 22: 61 |
Port. | chiadeira | Great Reed Warbler, 373 |
Anc.Greek | skýlax | young dog |
Pol. | skulich | to howl |
breton | skiltre | strident sound |
Ital.: Sard. | skiliái | to peep (chicks) |
Ital.: Sard. | schiddici | Kestrel, 234 |
Engl. | squeal | to chirp, yelp |
Engl. | squealer | Swift, 321 |
Ital. | squillare | to sound, make a hissing noise |
Ital. | squilla | bell |
Cat. | esquellot | bell |
Franç.: Thostes | equeillatré | celui qui rit bruyamment, FEW 22: 70 |
Franç.: Lgd. | esquialassá(s') | s'égosiller |
Lat. | celeusma | song of the rowers |
Franç.: Berry | quiaulée | meute bruyante |
Franç.centre | quiauler | chanter (d'une certaine manière) FEW 23: 142 |
Franç.: Vans | quialáyré | Black Swift, 321 |
Franç.: Ussel | squiaulou | sifflet, FEW 23: 145 |
Engl.: Glouc. | kyawly | Herring Gull, 81 |
Lith. | kiaulé | pig |
Sbc. | kijec | Ring Ouzel, 343 |
Sbc. | kijokavac | Redshank, 174 |
Franç.rég. | cola et var. | Herring Gull, 81; domestic cock, 2; Jay, 290; Turkey, 5; Carrion Crow, 280; Limpkin, 766 |
Franç.rég. | cola-huot, colôbrio | Oriole, 296 |
Gallego | nicolão | Oriole, 296 |
Slk. | kolovlha | Oriole, 296 |
Franç. | colère | anger (no kin to Geek. kholè "bile") |
Franç. | quolibet | propos gouailleur, FEW 23: 204 |
Franç.rég. | colin | Great Crested Grebe, 66; Herring Gull, 81; domestic duck, 40 |
Ital.reg. | colim | Great Crested Grebe, 66 |
Ital.reg. | colin | Golden Plover, 161 |
Ital.reg. | cola-cola | call of the Jay, 290 |
Germ.reg. | kola | Jay, 290 |
Ital.sud | cola, nicola | Jackdaw, 285 |
Ital.: Nov. | cola | Alpine Chough, 286 |
Engl. | culver | Pigeon, 255 |
Germ. | kollern | gobbling (turkey, 5); to emit a low sound, gargle |
Germ.(plattd.) | kollerhohns | Black Grouse, 8 |
Russian | xolej | gulls, 81-84 |
Alb. | kollë | to cough |
Germ.reg. | kollatz | Jackdaw, 285 |
Ital. | colascióne | luth à deux cordes, FEW 23: 144 |
Anc.Greek | koloós | cries |
Anc.Greek | koloiós | Jackdaw, 285 |
Mod.Greek: Chypre | koloós | Jackdaw, 285 |
Anc.Greek | kolophon | epithet for the Jackdaw |