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5.10.1 k-l

assyr.kaluto cry
Akk.kalbudog, Eth. kalb, Hebr. kelebh
Basquekalantza et var.Herring Gull, 81
Pers.(a.litt.)kalàSdomestic cock, 2
Pers.kalàq et var.Hooded Crow, 281
Pers.: Sivandkalàmword
Engl.callto shout, anounce etc.
Engl.coilnoisy disturbance ("orig. uncertain"; prob. a local pronunciation of the preceding)
Anc.Greekkaléoto call
Anc.GreekKalliopègoddess of eloquence
Mod.GreekkaliandzárisBuzzard, 211
Flemishkallento speak
Franç.calembourjeu de mot
Franç.: Jerseycalotnoise, dispute, FEW 22: 74
Bretonchalato cause sorrow
Franç.chaut (peu me)peu me chagrine
Franç.: Boulognechalaudbruit de conversation générale, FEW 23: 196
Basquetxalapetamill clapper
Lettishkaluotto chatter
Lith.kalbaword, language etc. kalbéti to speak
Russiankaljákat'to chatter
CzechkalausTawny Owl, 239
Sbc.keleborBuzzard, 211
Sbc.kalebHerring Gull, 81
Sbc.pupukaloHoopoe, 263
Sbc.kajkaloCorn Crake, 146
Ukr.pugutkaloEagle Owl, 247
Ukr.bukaloBittern, 125, Bielor. buxalo id.
Pol.hupalo(k>p) Bittern, 125; literally: "that cries hu, pupu,pugut" etc.; (en Ukr. l'élément kalo entre dans la composition de plusieurs noms d'oiseaux d'origine acoustique)
Franç.: Havrecalinossettecliquettes, FEW 23: 147
Franç.: Jerseyécalifliasbruit à propos de rien, FEW 23: 196
Esp.cualwhich , French quel, lequel
Gael.I.ceolmusic, song
Gael.I.ceólaireGarden Warbler, 357
Gael.I.ceiliûrwarbling, song, greeting, cf. helloð5.24.1.
Gael.S.ceiliricheWhitethroat, 362
ONskàldpoet, satirist
Engl.reg.scoldJay, 290
Engl.scoldto scorn, jeer, reprove
Germ.kollernto gobble (turkey, 5)
Franç.: Ardennescholtereffaroucher les poules FEW 22: 15
Tokh.kälnto sound
ONskjalladin, uproar
Svenskskvalato shriek
Engl.squallto utter in screaming tone; a sudden and violent burst of wind
Engl.: Scot.skellochto shriek, scream
Germ.schallento sound
Germ.schellenteGoldeneye, 54
Franç.chialerpleurer. Certainement pas un diminutif de chier! (les dict.)
Franç.: Tarent. (arg.)tchelarpleurer, FEW 22: 61
Port.chiadeiraGreat Reed Warbler, 373
Anc.Greekskýlaxyoung dog
Pol.skulichto howl
bretonskiltrestrident sound
Ital.: Sard.skiliáito peep (chicks)
Ital.: Sard.schiddiciKestrel, 234
Engl.squealto chirp, yelp
Engl.squealerSwift, 321
Ital.squillareto sound, make a hissing noise
Franç.: Thostesequeillatrécelui qui rit bruyamment, FEW 22: 70
Franç.: Lgd.esquialassá(s')s'égosiller
Lat.celeusmasong of the rowers
Franç.: Berryquiauléemeute bruyante
Franç.centrequiaulerchanter (d'une certaine manière) FEW 23: 142
Franç.: VansquialáyréBlack Swift, 321
Franç.: Usselsquiaulousifflet, FEW 23: 145
Engl.: Glouc.kyawlyHerring Gull, 81
Sbc.kijecRing Ouzel, 343
Sbc.kijokavacRedshank, 174
Franç.rég.cola et var.Herring Gull, 81; domestic cock, 2; Jay, 290; Turkey, 5; Carrion Crow, 280; Limpkin, 766
Franç.rég.cola-huot, colôbrioOriole, 296
GallegonicolãoOriole, 296
Slk.kolovlhaOriole, 296
Franç.colèreanger (no kin to Geek. kholè "bile")
Franç.quolibetpropos gouailleur, FEW 23: 204
Franç.rég.colinGreat Crested Grebe, 66; Herring Gull, 81; domestic duck, 40
Ital.reg.colimGreat Crested Grebe, 66
Ital.reg.colinGolden Plover, 161
Ital.reg.cola-colacall of the Jay, 290
Germ.reg.kolaJay, 290
Ital.sudcola, nicolaJackdaw, 285
Ital.: Nov.colaAlpine Chough, 286
Engl.culverPigeon, 255
Germ.kollerngobbling (turkey, 5); to emit a low sound, gargle
Germ.(plattd.)kollerhohnsBlack Grouse, 8
Russianxolejgulls, 81-84
Alb.kollëto cough
Germ.reg.kollatzJackdaw, 285
Ital.colascióneluth à deux cordes, FEW 23: 144
Anc.GreekkoloiósJackdaw, 285
Mod.Greek: ChyprekoloósJackdaw, 285
Anc.Greekkolophonepithet for the Jackdaw

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