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6.1 -f, -v

Copticaf, efbird (cahad âf, Gogot afu)
Berb.: Aymellelofbird
Amh.uof, `ofbird
Tigréoafbird (Arkiko uaf)
Eth.: Gafatyefue, yefuäbird
Hebr.`oph, auvbird; `uph to fly
Kashmirwouphto fly
Anc.Eg.`p, ipjto fly
Anc.Eg.hefyto fly
Arm.hefito fly
Arm.hav, gaffowl, hen, 2
Arm.savarnilto fly
Arabiczaffto spread the wings
Hebr.mod.zafafto fly; also a hawk
Anc.Greek (Eol.)ofionoswing
Arabic`àfato fly around
Berb.âfiy, hafito fly
Berb.: kabaïlehafeg, hafougto fly
Berb.: Menasser, Snusàfigto fly
Arabic: Alg.afedto fly
Anc.Greekaifetos, aivetosa hawk
Arabicabubird, in the components abu- lihyah, bu-qalamun
etc. The same Semitic component is still found in Spanish in avetoro, etc. Abu "bird" in Arabic speeches is a residue from the North African substratum, prob. Phoenician. The names umm-risàlah,omm-qèq, etc. "motherqèq " have been coined, by folk etymology after abu understood "father", the original meaning being lost in Arabic. The distribution of the base -f , -v "to fly, bird" corresponds to the Phoenician area of influence.
Port.avebird, vulture, large bird of prey
Port.reg.avehen, 2
Span.surtout sudavebird, especially large or medium size
Ital.: Sard. (Logud.)aeeagle Balearic Isl.) bird
Cat.avió, alióSwift, 321
Span.aviónSwift, 321
Port.avão, aivão, gaivãoSwift, 321
Ital.: Sard.avíu, avudzubirds of prey (coll.)
Lat.avis(borrowing) bird. The etymology of Lat.
aucupare "avis + capere" is a folk etymology, whence the definition by Latin writers "to go fowling". Aucupare is nothing but the Ital. occupare "to occupy" and French s'occuper "to make oneself busy", as supported by the other uses of the word : hocestnovumaucupium (Ter.) "that is a new occupation"; aucupiumdelectationis (Cic.) "(excessive) occupation to please"; aucupiumnomenclationis (Col.) "occupation (activity) with words"; aucuparesibifamam "s'occuper à se faire un nom". The etymology of augurare "avis + gerere" is again a folk etymology (cf. Klein, sub augur), whence the fancy definitions "to foretell by interpreting the song of the flight of birds". The Latin augur is cognate to the Basque agur "a farewell" which, as stated by Azkue "est le mot ave des latins"; thence the Lat. aveo "to rejoice", ave "farewell" and the Ital. ciao (ciauguro > ciavo · ciao) "augur well (to you)", and certainly not "ci sono su schiavo" which one cannot imagine saying to anybody when parting. Cognate to this group are the Etruscan avum,aule "aimable" (Stoltenberg, Etrusk.: 16) and French avenant also "aimable", which has no possible semantic connection with "avenir". Similarly auspicium from "avis + specere" is an incorrect division of the word; for semantics, see ð5.2.24. sub haruspex.
Umbrianavifbird (n'est autre que le l. avis)
Alb.(biblical)iveagle (prob. a borrowing)
Cymryaesbird. The last three names appear to literary borrowings from Lat. avis
Franç. (Bordeaux, Limoges)avierfaire voler (cerf-volant, pigeon); prob. un modernisme, voir avion, hereunder
Franç.: "Anjou"averetnestling, art., after Lat. avis
Franç.avionAu sujet du mot français avion, on peut lire ce qui
suit dans "Laformationduvocabulaired'aviation" par Louis Guilbert, Larousse, Paris, 1965 : "Les appareils ailés futurs pour la réalisation de la navigation aérienne, nous les nommerons avions" - C. Ader. Brevet 205.155, 19 avril 1890, p. 4 (Guilbert p. 479, Nos 1155e,1156). Les mots avion,aviation et tous les termes aéronautiques sont des dérivations à partir d'un verbe avier. "L'analogie nous a conduit, M. Ponton d'Amécourt et moi, à créer le verbe avier, synonyme de voler dans les airs". (La Landelle in Guilbert, p. 474-5, Nos. 1100 et 1100 bis). Cependant avier dans certains patois du midi (Bordeaux, Limoges) est en usage pour le jeu du cerf-volant ainsi qu'en parlant des pigeons (voyageurs). "Avier ne serait donc pas un néologisme, mais un archaïsme peu connu". (La Landelle loc.cit.).
Zendvaysbird; vaya hen
Zendvazaiti(verb) flies
Zendavayatito fly
Pers.(a.litt.)vay, vayandakbird
Skr.vayaswing, bird
N.B. The following names are not related to the preceding group: Prov. dial. aver, occitan averas, Cat. aviam,aviram, Anjou avras "farmyard animals", Cat. averia "fowl" and Aragon aberias "the possessions" i.e. "les avoirs".

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