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Source of scientific names borrowed from Greek, Latin or from regional speeches. Artificial coinings such as platyrhynchos or rufidorsus etc. are not included in this list, with a few exceptions. In accordance with the ornithological rules, generic names are capitalized, species names are not. Names of Greek origin are often in a latinized form. The original source is indicated (Gr., Lat. or modern language). Cross-references Low Lat.. ð1.14. - l, Gr. ð1.12.
Source des noms scientifiques empruntés au grec, au latin ou à des parlers régionaux. Les créations artificielles telles que platyrhynchos ou rufidorsus etc. ne sont pas inclues dans cette liste, hormis quelques exceptions. Conformément aux règles ornithologiques les noms des genres prennent une majuscule, mais non les noms d'espèces. Les noms d'origine grecque sont souvent empruntés sous leur forme latinisée. La source première est indiquée (, l. ou langue moderne). Renvois: Low Lat.. ð1.14. - l. Lat. ð1.13. - ð1.12.
aalge, Swed. ð5.12.1.
Acanthis, Gr.
Acanthyllis, Gr.
Accentor, Lat.
Accipiter, Lat.
acredula (Phylloscopus), Lat.
aedon (Troglodytes), myth. figure
Aegialitis, Gr.
Aegithalos. Gr.
Aegolius, Gr.
Aegyptius, Gr.
aesalon l.
aglae (Siva) myth. figure
Ajax, myth. figure
Alario, Low Lat.
Alauda, Lat.
Alca, sv. ð5.12.1.
Alcedo l.
Alcyon, myth. figure
Alecto, myth. figure
Alector, Gr.
Alectryon, myth. figure
Alle. sv. ð5.12.1.
Alopochen, Gr. (altered from chenalopex)
aluco (Strix), Low Lat. alucusð239., it.
Anas, Lat.
Anser, Lat.
Anthus. Gr.
Apiaster Low Lat.
Aptenodytes, Gr.
Apus, Lat.
Aquila, Lat.
Aramus, Lat.
Ardea, Lat.
Ardeola, Low Lat.
Argus, myth. figure
Ascalaphus, Gr.
Asio, Lat.
Asthenes, Gr.
Astur l.
Athene, Athena, myth. figure
atthis (Alcedo), fair maiden of Gr.myth.
avis, Lat.
avosetta, Ital., by Gessner ð157.
Aythya, Gr. ð3.3.1.
Batis, Gr.
bernicla (Branta), Engl., par Linné ð32., Engl.
Bhringa, skr. ð1.8.
Bombycillað329., heading
Bonasabonasia, Low Lat. < Germ. ð10., heading
borin, Ital. ð357., heading
boscas (Anas), Gr.
Botaurus, Low Lat. < French butor, 125
Branta, Engl. brentð32., Engl.
Bubo, Lat.
Buteo, Lat.
Buteo regalis, Low Lat. < Gr. bothy-règalè
cabaret (Acanthis), French ð422., French
Caccabis, Gr.
Cairina, voir No. 39, heading
Calandra,Calandrella, Ital., 297
Calendula (Regulus), Low Lat.
Calidris, Gr.
calliope, Gr., myth. figure
Calliste, Gr. myth. figure
canutus (Calidris), Engl. knot (No. 184) by Ray (not "from king Canut")
capella, Low Lat. < Ital. ð194., Ital.
casarca, ukr. ð5.9.2.
Catharacta, Gr.
Celeus, Gr., myth. figure
Certhia, Gr.
Ceyx, myth. figure
Charadrius, Gr.
cheela, Skr. cilla
chelidon, Gr.
Chen, Gr.
chicquera (Falco), hindi ð223., Iran
Chlidonias, Gr. chelidon, or, less likely, from Gr. chlidon "ornament"
cia (Emberiza), Ital., par Aldrovandi, 439, Ital.
Ciconia, Lat.
Cinclus, Gr.
Circe, Gr., myth. figure
Circus, Gr.
cirlus (Emberiza), Ital., par Aldrovandi, 439, Ital.
citrinellus (Serinus), alpine, prob. Germ. ð421., Ital.
Cochlearius, Low Lat.
collurio (Lanius), Gr.
Coloeus, Gr. ð3.1.42.
colubris (Archilochus), Amerind
Columba, Lat.
cora (Thaumastura), myth. figure
corax (Corvus), Gr.
cornix (Corvus), Lat.
Corvus l.
Coturnix, Lat.
Cractes, from a Baltic name, cf. Old Pruss. krakto; today replaced by Perisoreus
crecca (Anas), Low Lat.
Crex, Lat.
curruca, Low Lat. < Span. ð363.
Cygnus, not from class. Lat. but from French cygneð25., French (the class. Lat. is cicnus which is borrowed from Gr.)
Cypselus, Gr.
Dacnis, Gr.
decaocto, Mod.Gr. ð257., Gr.
Delichon, anagram of Chelidon
Dicaeum, Gr. Dikè, myth. figure
Diomedea, Gr.
Drepanis, Gr.
Egretta, Ital., by Forster
Elanus, Gr.
Emberiza, Germ. Swiss by Gessner ð3.2.17.
Eos, Gr., myth. figure
Ephialtes, Gr., myth. figure
epops (Upupa), Gr.
Eudyptes, Gr.
euterpe, Gr., myth. figure
fabalis (Anser) ð29., Engl.
Falco, Lat.
Fringilla, Lat.
frugilegus (Corvus), Low Lat. ð282., French
Fulica, Lat.
Fulmarus, Engl., by Stephens ð110., Engl.
galbula, Lat.
Gallinago, Ital., by Gaza ð193.
Gallinula, Ital., by Gessner
Garrulus, Low Lat.
garzetta (Egretta), Ital., by Linné
Gavia, Lat.
Gecinus Low Lat. < French by Boie, Isis von Oken 1834, col. 542, ð270. (geaizègne)
glandarius (Garrulus), Lat.
Glaucis, Gr. Glaukè, myth. figure
Gracula, Gr.
Gracula, Gr.
graculus (Pyrrhocorax), Gr.
graeca (Alectoris), prob. Ital., by Gessner, Icon. Avium, p. 64 ð5.2.34.
Grus, Lat.
grylle (Cepphus), Swed. ð418., Ital.
Gygis, Gr., myth. figure
Gypaetus, Gr.
Gyps, Gr.
gyrfalco (Falco, = F.islandicus), Low Lat. ð3.2.26.
Halcyon, Gr.
Harelda (= Clangula), Swed. ð55., French
Harpyia, Gr., myth. figure
Hypolais, Gr.
Hypothymis, Gr.
Hirundo, Lat.
Ibis, Gr.
Iole, Gr., myth. figure
iris, Gr., myth. figure
Ixobrychus, coined. by Billberg, 1828, Syn.Faun.Scand. 1, pt. 2. Not "mistle eater" The sense of brycho is clear (brycháomai = mugir). Billberg gives the quivalent ixos Lat. arundo; in this case ixós "glued reed" (ixeutikóstiskálamos)
Ixos, Gr. Ixion, myth. figure
Junco (phaeonotus), by Wagler, 1831, IsisvonOken, Heft 5, col. 526. Borrowed from Low Lat. (ð1.14.), a translation of Gr. schoiníklos a reed inhabiting bird ð1.12..
Jynx, Gr.
Larus, Gr.
Limosa, création art.
linaria (Acanthis), Low Lat., prob. After Germ. leinfink, by Gessner
Linota, French
livia (Columba), Low Lat., transl. of French biset
lomvia (Uria), sv. (No. 74a) ð74., Engl.
Lunda (Alcidae of the northern Pacific Ocean) Nor., Dan. lunde
Luscinia, Lat.
Lusciniola, Low Lat.
Mareca (today Anas), French No. 43
martius (Dryocopus), Low Lat. ð273., French
Melanophoyx, Gr. phoyx
melba (Apusmelba and an exotic species Pytiliamelba); contraction de melanoalba by Linné (Eigenhuis, Swaab & Polaklaan, 1992, DutchBirding 14: 100). Sans rapport avec melba d'Albertus Magnus (= Germ. dial. mewa mouette ð1.14.).
merganser (Mergus), coined by Gessner
Mergus, Lat.
Merops, Gr.
merula (Turdus), Lat.
Milvus, Lat.
monedula (Corvus), Lat.
morinellus (Charadrius) ð Germ., No. 166
moschata (Cairina) ð No. 39, Engl.
motacilla, Lat.
nebularia, name given in 1767 by Gunner (from Norway) not "because the bird's habitat is often misty" but because of the bird's colour ð3.6.47..
Neophron, Gr. myth., see No. 199
Netta, Gr.
nisus, Gr. Nisos, myth. figure
Numenius, Gr.
Numida, Lat.
Nucifraga, translation into l. by Turner of a Hawfinch's name
nyroca (Aythya), russe nyrok "plongeur"
Oenanthe, Gr.
oenone, myth. figure
olor (Cygnus), Lat.
Oriolus, French by Linné
Ortygometra, Gr.
Otis, Gr.
Otus, Gr.
Palamedea, Gr., myth. figure
Pandion, Gr., myth. figure
Parula, Lat.
Parus, Lat.
Passer, Lat.
Pelecanus, Gr.
pendulinus (Remiz), Ital., see No. 400
Perdix, Lat.
Pernis, Gr.
Phaethon, Gr., myth. figure
Philemon, Gr., myth. figure
phoebe, myth. figure
Pica, Lat.
Picus, Lat.
pilaris (Turdus), translation into l. of Greek trichas (understood "pilus or hair"!) by Gaza, 1476.
Plotus,plautus, by Gessner (cf. l. plote "plattfisch")
Porzana, Ital. ð143.
Progne, Gr.
Prunella, Germ. braunelleð408.
Puffinus, Engl. ð73.
Pyrrhocorax, Gr.
querquedula (Anas), Lat.
Quiscalus quiscula, Low Lat.
Rallus, by Gessner, prob. < Germ. ralle, No. 142
regalis (Buteo), a calqueof Gr. bothy-règalè
Regulus, Lat., specific attribution by Cuvier
Rhea, Gr., myth. figure
Rissa, isl. ritsa, by Stephens
rubetra, art., from rubus "bramble"
rubicilla (Carpodacus), Low Lat.
rubicola, Low Lat., a name for the Robin (redd neck) ð1.14.
rusticola (Scolopax), Lat.
schoeniclus (Emberiza), Gr.
segetumð29., French
senator (Lanius), Lat.
Serinus, French by Cuvier
Sirystes, Gr. syristes
Sitta, Gr.
Siva, Hindi, myth. figure
spinoletta (Anthus), Ital., by Linné, prob. ex Aldrovandi
Spreo, from a South African name of Dutch origin for the Starling ð5.6.4.
stellaris (Botaurus), after Anc.Gr. asterías
Sterna, Engl., by Turner
Strix, Gr.
Struthio camelus, Lat. < Gr.
Sturnella, Lat., syn. of sturnus
subbuteo (Falco), transl. Of Gr. hypotriorchis by Turner. Name attributed to this species by Belon, prob. because the confusion in the literature of falconry of the name hobereau which is in reality a name for the Buzzard, 211, q.v.
subis (Progne), Lat.
Sula, sv. ð108., Engl.
Surnia, Low Lat. ð238., French (sourne)
Sycalis, Gr. ð296., Gr.
Sylvia, by Gaza ð357., heading
Syrnium, see Surnia
Tadorna, Old French (occitan) ð36.
Tantalus, myth. figure
tarda (Otis), Lat.
Tetrao, Gr.
Tetrax, Gr.
tetrix (Tetrao), Gr.
Todus, by Linné, Engl. tody, bird from the Antilles ð4.1.19.. No relation to Low Lat. toda
torda (Alca), Nor.
torquilla (Jynx), Low Lat.
totanus (Tringa), Ital., by Gessner
trichas (Geothlypis), Gr.
trochilus (Phylloscopus), Gr.
Turdus, Lat.
Tylas, Gr.
Tyto, Gr.
ulula (Surnia), Lat.
Uria, Gr.
Urotriorchis, Gr.
urogallus (Tetrao), Low Lat.
vanellus, French, No. 158
vinago (Treron), transl. into Lat. of Gr. oenas, by Gaza
Vireoð296., Spanish and ð5.6.5.
yelkouan (Puffinus), turkish
zena (Spindalis), Low Lat.