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Gael.I. Eala balbh.- ala, ela, olla, ai ð3.1.57..- airmidh, oreath, searfán "serpent" from its sinuous neck, prob. litt.; gall o.liter. ð3.1.52..

Gael.S. Eala bhàn.- ela, elae, ealadh, ala, alunn, aoi, ai, a o.liter. eala ð3.1.57..- eala geall ð3.1.52..- cin, cyn o.liter. (borrowing), searpan (liter.) soma ("a flock")ð4.4.9..- ollag Manx.

Cymry Alarch dof.- alarch, elerc, elcys, elcysen (plur.), elerch elerck Corn. ð3.1.57..

Breton alarc'h; cyn, sîn litt.

Engl. Mute Swan.- swan prob. widespr., at least in England. Swans do not utter vocal sounds but their powerful wing-beats produce a far-carrying sound ð5.8.1..- elk e.Angl., Nrf., York., n.Cy., Nhb., Ire.: Antrim, Down ð5.12.1..- cob ? York., Ches., Nrf. ð4.4.3..- hen @York., Ches., Nrf., on the Thames ("pen" is evidently an err.), cock, tom ? on the Thames, jenny @on the Thames.

Swan keepers' names for swans:

brood swans "adult swans paired for nesting", cob "male of a breeding pair" ð4.4.3..- pen (prob. err. for hen) "female of a pair", sire "male parent of the brood". As in the dog fanciers vocabulary, to sire is nothing else but the French verb saillir "to mount, to cover, to service", the pronunciation of which is almost identical to sire. The sire is the male genitor of a dog or a horse and has nothing to do with sir,sire which are from franç. sieur, a contraction of seigneur, romance senior etc. Thus it turns out to be absurd to say of humans "to sire a son". dam from franç. dame, after sire understood as an honourific title.- eyrer, ayier "breeding swans"; for eyrie "nest"ð12.1..- ydyr "downy cygnets" (= eider), cygnet "young swan from hatching time until fully grown", sluggard, harryard, greybird, grey swan "young full grown swan in grey plumage" for harryardð3.2.2..- stag "a one year-old swan"; the term usually means a male of any animal.- blue-bill "a young swan up to its second autumn", in adult plumage, but not having attained its full adult bill coloration", baran "swan in its third year, but which has not bred" (barren), maiden swan "an adult swan that has not yet nested", field-bird "a cygnet, one of whose parents is of doubtful ownership", franked swan "a swan that has been kept in a frank (pen) for fattening", white swan, white game "swan in white adult plumage", half-bird, half-swan, parting bird, parting cygnet "the old cygnet in a brood of uneven number, left after its equal division between the owners of the two parents", half-game "half a brood", ground bird, land bird, nest bird "the cygnet from each brood awarded to the owner of the ground on which the nest, from which it had hatched, had been built".- ielfetu o.liter. (ON alptr,elptrð3.1.58.elbiz).

Norsk Knoppsvane.- tamsvane.

Svensk Knölsvan.- svan, svänja, tamsvan.

Dansk Knopsvanen.- svane; svanek, svanikker (juv.).

Nederl . Knobbelzwaan.- nuete swan, njûte swan fries., zwaan, zwane, swaon, roodbekzwaan, zwartporer.

Deutsch Höckerschwan.- schwan, schwunn Lux., swoan ð5.8.1..- elwitz Beckengrunde Kr. Schönberg, ölb(s)Schlesien, elbitz DS, albs, elbsch ð3.1.58..

Franç. Cygne tuberculé.- cine, cyne Liège, Namur, Maine, Havre, Poitou, Gers, cîne wall.c., chine a.litt. norm., chigne Chavanat, cyngne Pic., cigné Gard, Toulon, signa Nice, cigne SR; prob. rép. mais attestations manquent, signar, sygnard Anjou, cygnar V.Saire, sinar Maine, cinart H.Bret., cindard Rennes, cygne (le y d'après le l. cygnus),signe, cyne, "cimart" (err. pour cinart), "chime" (err. pour chisne), chisne, sesne a.litt. (prob. empr. à l'esp.) ð5.3.3.4..- bouri VS: St.Gingolph (enfant.), bouri-bouri SR "cri pour appeler les cygnes" (à l'origine usité pour le canard domestique, 40, q.v.), grand blanc Gasc.Mar., hou (?)Anjou.

[godard = Oie, 27; hucard = Goéland, 81]

Prov. Cigné.- cigné, cinhe, cinne, cièune.- cicne, cisne litt.,

Cat. Cigne.- cigne Cat., Mall., Men., signe Bal., sisne Val.,

Basque Beltxarga.- belxarga B.Pyr., beltxarga; si ce nom est bien celui du cygne, il ne peut se rattacher à belz "noir" mais plutôt à une rac. acoust. belð5.22.6..- lepazut, lepa-zaillu ("col droit, rigide", allusion au port du cou de l'oiseau au vol), sisna, signa.

Esp. Cisne.- cisne Ter.: Bello, ciño Gal. ð5.3.2.2..- alavanco ð40., esp.

Port. Cisne.

Ital. Cigno reale.- sign Piem., cin b.Piem. cign Piem., Varese, Sirmione, Lomb., Piac., Parm. zign, zègn Mod., Bol., arzaignel Bol., zinni Cal., signo Ven., cigno Ver., Crem., Gen., Tosc., Roccafranca, Nap., cignu Modica, Agrig., Mess., Terran., Trapani, Sard., scignu Sir., cinnu, cirnu Sic. ð5.3.3.4..- cecene, cicene Puglie, cecino a.litt., ceseno Ven., Friuli, cisano Vic. litt., siezeno, zièsano Ven., Sano, zieSano, zéSeno, tsezeno Ver., césano Magagno, císini, sisini, sizinu Sard., cisne Logud ð5.3.2.2..- cecero a.litt. ð5.3.2.4..

[shkittetza = Poule d'eau 141]

R.Rom. Cign domestic.- cign, cing, cigno.

Roum. Lebâdâ-de-varâ.- leblâdâ, lebedâ, lepâdâ, lebeditâ, lebezioarâ(-), lepegioarâRâdâuti ð3.1.58..- cucova, cûcuvâBâila, Tulcea, Sulina ð4.1.9..- lébâdâ-cucuiatâprob. art. (franç. cygne tuberculé) allusion au tubercule à la base du bec ð4.1.2..- helci Şincai ð3.1.52..- schwun all. Tr. ð5.8.1..

Grec Vouvókyknos.- (transl. of Engl.), kyknos Thess., Cycl. ð5.3.3.3..- koûlos Cycl. ð4.2.11.1..- niálma ð3.6.33..

Alb. Mjellëmë.- mjellmë, mjellme, mjellémë, mjelmë, mjelmja ð3.6.33..- gykën ð5.3.3.3..

[shkicë = Poule d'eau, 141]

Bulg. Pjam lebed.- mjam lebed ð3.6.33..- lébed, libed ð3.1.58..- golb, geb ð3.1.53..-

Sbc. Labud crvnokljuni.- labud, lebud, labut, labed sbc., labód, labud, labéd sln. ð3.1.58..- kup Metkoviç, guf Mikalja, gub, gup, kuf ð4.4.11..-

Tch. Labut' vel'ka.- labut', labud', labut, lebed; labut' hrbatáð4.2.18..- labut' nêmáart. < Engl., labut' krotkáart.

Slk. Labut' vel'ka.

Pol. labëdZ niemy.- labedZ, labëci, labec, labeZ, labécz, la9c, lebed, labädZ, labët, labëdzik, labëdzica ð3.1.58..- labadz, keup, kielp kachoub., koup poméran., koup slavonien ð4.4.11..

[kolp = Spatule, 130]

Ukr. Lebid' Sipun.- labud, labod, lebid', lebidka Galicja ð3.1.58..

Bielor. Lebedz.- lebedz.

Russe Lebed' Sipun.- Sipun, lebed', lebjad',

Lit. Gulbé nebylé.- gulbé, gulbis, gulbas, gilbas, gulbinas ð3.1.53..

Lette Paugurknàbia gulbis.- kaupe ð4.4.11..

Iran Quy-e gong.- quy, qu, qau, koh, quq, qauq, ququ(-), cucah, cuca litt. cf. kirghiz ku, khivindzis kuyuð4.1.3..- arj, àraj ð3.2.51.3..- juina, juyina,

Kurde quð4.1.3..

Afgh. ku.

Talych kolokun.

Azeri Serikui.- Serikui, Sagria (coll.).

Arm. Djcan Karap.- kui ð4.1.3..

[karap attribué au cygne dans l'a. litt. paraît être un nom du Flamant, 24; por = Caille, 23]

Turc Sessiz kugu kusu.

Georg. Mkivani gedi.- gedi. [kerpi,karapi,k'ark'abi = Flamant, 24]

Eg. Timm abiad.- tamm, timm (plur.).

H.Sem. quq Palest., koko syriaque, kuk, kugi, kikka Alg. ð4.1.3..- baz'a Damas, wazz iràqi Palest., ardef Palest. voir No. 40, lezg..- cinnaria ar. litt. emprunt au roman (franç. cinart).

Hebr. Barbur matsuy.- barebur bibl.

Malte Ciniu.- zinna.

Tzigane pórni raûni England (dame blanche), schono Allemagne.

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