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4.1.2 k-k Top, crest; sommet, huppe

Dutchkeukencock (from its crest, see cock, below
Finnishkuk(Estonian id.) cock
SvenskkokärlaWagtail, 313 (from its hood)
Lith.kukisa mythical horned bird
Lettishkoka cirulisCrested Lark, 299
Lettishkuoka dzèrvèGrey Heron, 118 (liter. "crested crane")
Drav.kokkaGrey Heron, 118
Anc.GreekKaukasisCaucasus. "Scythian" kroû-kasis is an aberrant orthography that cannot be taken as a base for an etymology "shining with ice" (Walde-Hoffmann, LEW 1: 295, sub crusta)
Arm.abeghukCrested Lark, 299
Pers.xoc, xuzacock's comb
Engl.cockthe male domestic fowl, a bird with a prominent crest, its main characteristic
DutchmodderkukeGreat Crested Grebe, 66
Engl. reg.woodcock, cock-hoopHoopoe, 263
Franç.rég.coq-de-boisHoopoe, 263
Franç.: nordcoq-de-merShag, 106
Franç.rég.coq-héronGrey Heron, 118
Franç.coq du villagethe main figure of the place
Franç.coche, cochercoachman (head of a horse carriage)
Franç.: Saillon (VS)cocò (à)à cheval
Franç.coq, cock, Montcoq etc.(éléments toponymiques) montagne, colline. Voir Camproux, 1968, Des toponymes qui chantent. FestschriftW.v.Wartbourgzum80.Geburtstage. Tübingen. Vol. 2: 87-105
Franç.: GEcoq (à nous le)à nous le bouquet. N'est pas une métaphore mais coq = bouquetð4.5.23
Franç.coquer, chauchersee ð4.2.15.1
Franç.coqueshell, cockle, hull
Franç.coche(concave) notch
Engl.scotch(convex) hold of ship; (concave) French. coche,encoche (preceding words)
Franç.rég.coche, cocherellecertain mushrooms
Franç.coklouvi, cochevis etc.Crested Lark, 299
Franç.: Yonnecoq de routeCrested Lark, 299
Franç.: wall.coquezanteBlackcap, 358
Prov.: Dauph.cücobird crest; Hoopoe, 263
Franç.rég.valet du coucouHoopoe, 263
Franç.: Bourg.cuchehaystack
Prov.chuchebird crest
Span.cuco, antecucoHoopoe, 263
Span.silbón macuquiñoTufted Duck, 48
Ital.: Sard.accuccaditaCrested Lark, 299
Ital.: Otr.cuccia, scuccu etc.Crested Lark, 299
Ital.: Sic., Cal.cuccabird crest
Roman.cucuibird crest
Roman.pasâre-de-cucuiHoopoe, 263
Roman.cuc-de-pâdureHoopoe, 263
Roman.cuc-tigânescHoopoe, 263
Roman.ciocîrlan cucuiatâCrested Lark, 299
Roman.chitigoi cucuiatâCrested Tit, 397
Roman.cucuiuswelling, bump
Roman.lébâdâ cucuiatâMute Swan, 25
Ital.cuccagnaland of abondance

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