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gur.- Crane.

'anàfàh.- Flamingo, 24 q.v.

anpà.- (aram.).

asen = ossen.

atalef.- Hoopoe.

awazz.- goose.

ayitzavua,ayitharim.- a large hawk.

ayyàh = dàyàh.

azaniah = `ozniyyàh.

barebur.- swan.


batya`anàh.- (Daughter of the desert) see yà`en.

dàyàh.- Black Kite, 215.

drôr,deror.- Sparrow and small bird in general; cf. Ar. teirð6.3.1..

dukifat = kukufat.

gôzàl.- young pigeon; cf. Ar. jauzalu id. ð13.2..

hakocoz.- Hoopoe.

Hasidàh.- stork; cf. however Berb. asid Ostrich, 1, q.v.

Hem.- Egyptian Vulture, 199 (Ar. racham, khemi) ð3.2.51.3..

kariah = qorè.

kephuá.- a diving bird; cf. Anc. Gr. képphos Pétrel 115 ð5.3.7.2..

khanafrenanim.- Ostrich.

kos,koshaharavoth.- Little Owl, 262 and ð4.3.9.1..

kra = qorè.

kukufat.- Hoopoe, 263.

lilit.- a word meaning "night"

nèts.- A hawk; cf. Anc. Gr. nisos and ð14.5..

nesher.- Vulture ð14.5..

notsah.- Unidentified.

oaH.- Eagle Owl, 242.

`orèv.- Raven, 284 and ð3.2.14..

ossen.- Long-eared Owl ð248., Ital.

`ozniyyàh.- A hawk; see ayyàh,dàyàh, No. 215.

peres.- Has been translated as Bearded Vulture and, erroneously Sea Eagle; < pàras "to break" - Edlinger, p. 3.

qà'at.- owl ?

qippod.- prob. not a bird. In modern Hebr. = porcupine.

qippoz.- Eagle Owl ? cf. qippod.

qorè.- Sand Partridge Ammoperdixhayi, 21.

ràchàm,rà'àh.- Egyptian Vulture, 199.

renanin.- female ostrich.

SaHaf.- Gull ? cf. the following

sakaf.- Cuckoo.

sahap.- Owl ?

sakvia.- domestic hen.

Sàlàk.- cormorant ? tern ? gull ?

sis.- swift, 321.

sikvi.- rooster.

slav,Salav.- Quail, 23.

sipor.- any small bird ð5.3.4..

tachmàs.- Nightjar ð251., Ham.-Sem.

thor = tor.

tinshemeth.- Barn Owl, 238.

tor.- Turtledove Streptopeliaturtur.

tukki.- Peafowl ð4., Iran.

yà`èn.- Ostrich.

yanshuf.- Owl.

yemînàh.- Pigeon, cf. Ar. hamam.

yon,yonàh.- Rock Dove, 254, q.v.

zamir.- Nightingale, 337.

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