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3.1 Base b-l Shiny, white; base of cinetic origin: fire, a mobile phenomenon: Base d'origine cinétique b-l: le feu, phénomène mouvant. Lah. 1963, No. 396. See Listen 6.2.1

Drav.: s.bel, velday, white
Canaresebelatuto shine
Inde: Canaresebel, vëllisilver
Hebr.bàlaghto shine
Arabicbalagato shine; bdaliga to be happy
Syriac northbalbisto gleam
Berb.bellarclear, glass
Berb.bellargi, belarejStork, 127 (Colin, 1926)
HaoussabelbelaCattle Egret, 122
Arabic: Marocbu-belina et var.Little Egret, 121
Assyr.Belmaster of the world: the personified sun
CymricBeligod of the sun
GauloisBelinos, Abellioid.
Franç.: Ardècheabélionechasselas, a white variety of grape vine
Franç.: nordbelle (la)the moon (ne doit pas être compris "la jolie" mais "la claire")
Franç.: Lgd.bélélight, shiny
Franç.: Lgd.béléjalightning
Franç.éblouirto dazzle
Ital.: Canavesebaglioredazzling light
ON, O.Icel.bàlgreat fire
Franç.: VSbeaux (les)the bonfires of St.Jean
Franç.: VSbioubeautiful
R.Rom.: Vazbiid.
Roman.bâl, bâlâiblond
Franç.: Flandresbelles pasques(a.litt.) pâque blanche, Easter
R.Rom.farina bellawhite flour
R.Rom.: Sentbellbeautiful
Franç.veloursvelvet, a fabric with a sheen
Prov.béletKingfisher, 267, Bullfinch, 430 ("le beau")
Galicebelidanube blanca del ojo
Ital.: reg.belladonnaShelduck, 36
Franç.: Pic.bélianeid.
Ital.: s.bella, béliMagpie, 288
Germ.bellewhite poplar
Franç.abel(a.litt.) white poplar
Engl.reg.abelwhite poplar
Gael.I.aibhligto scintillate
Gael.S.éibheallhot coal
Esp.abueloFranç. aïeul, ancestors: white haired
Franç.: VSbiole et
Franç.: Forezbieid.
Ukr.belikharriers, 219-221
Ukr.BelykdenEaster, cf. Pâques ð3.7.3.1., Pâques fleuries ð3.1.32.4. and belles pâques, above; before its christian meaning, Easter was the festival of Spring, the white festival par excellence. (Not from a hypothetical *velykden "great day")
Sbc.belecSmew, 62
Lith.bãlaswhite, lettish balgans whitish
Slk.belasy, belavysky blue
Pol.: reg.bialawyblue
Ukr.belejFrench ver blanc, larva of a beetle
Sln.belkaPtarmigan, 12
Bulg.bêlmo= Galicia belida, above
Sbc.bielác, balumcin, balansirGreat Egret, 120
Arabic: Marocbu-bilisaLittle Egret, 121
Arabic: Eg.balaSamHeron, 118
TurkishbalïkcïlHeron, 118 (pre-osman substr.)
Arabic: Eg.abu-balikWheatear, 349
Eth.: Mursibalaiwhite-backed (animal)

(3.1.2 Removed, integrated)

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