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3.1 Base b-l Shiny, white; base of cinetic origin: fire, a mobile phenomenon: Base d'origine cinétique b-l: le feu, phénomène mouvant. Lah. 1963, No. 396. See Listen 6.2.1 |
Drav.: s. | bel, vel | day, white |
Drav. | vela | sun |
Canarese | belatu | to shine |
Inde: Canarese | bel, vëlli | silver |
Hebr. | bàlagh | to shine |
Arabic | balaga | to shine; bdaliga to be happy |
Syriac north | balbis | to gleam |
Berb. | bellar | clear, glass |
Berb. | bellargi, belarej | Stork, 127 (Colin, 1926) |
Haoussa | belbela | Cattle Egret, 122 |
Arabic: Maroc | bu-belina et var. | Little Egret, 121 |
Assyr. | Bel | master of the world: the personified sun |
Chald. | Baal | god |
Cymric | Beli | god of the sun |
Gaulois | Belinos, Abellio | id. |
Franç.: Ardèche | abélione | chasselas, a white variety of grape vine |
Franç.: nord | belle (la) | the moon (ne doit pas être compris "la jolie" mais "la claire") |
Franç.: Lgd. | bélé | light, shiny |
Franç.: Lgd. | béléja | lightning |
Franç. | éblouir | to dazzle |
Ital.: Canavese | bagliore | dazzling light |
ON, O.Icel. | bàl | great fire |
Engl. | balefire | bonfire |
Franç.: VS | beaux (les) | the bonfires of St.Jean |
Franç.: VS | biou | beautiful |
R.Rom.: Vaz | bi | id. |
Aroman. | bel | white |
Roman. | bâl, bâlâi | blond |
Franç.: Flandres | belles pasques | (a.litt.) pâque blanche, Easter |
R.Rom. | farina bella | white flour |
R.Rom.: Sent | bell | beautiful |
Prov. | belour | beauty |
Franç. | velours | velvet, a fabric with a sheen |
Prov. | bélet | Kingfisher, 267, Bullfinch, 430 ("le beau") |
Galice | belido | beautiful |
Galice | belida | nube blanca del ojo |
Ital.: reg. | belladonna | Shelduck, 36 |
Franç.: Pic. | béliane | id. |
Ital.: s. | bella, béli | Magpie, 288 |
Germ. | belle | white poplar |
Franç. | abel | (a.litt.) white poplar |
Engl.reg. | abel | white poplar |
Gael.I. | aibhlig | to scintillate |
Gael.S. | éibheall | hot coal |
Esp. | abuelo | Franç. aïeul, ancestors: white haired |
Franç. | bouleau | birch |
Franç.: VS | biole et var. | id. |
Franç.: Forez | bie | id. |
Russian | b'elyj | white |
Ukr. | bilo | id. |
Bulg. | bjalo | id. |
Ukr. | belik | harriers, 219-221 |
Ukr. | Belykden | Easter, cf. Pâques ð3.7.3.1., Pâques fleuries ð3.1.32.4. and belles pâques, above; before its christian meaning, Easter was the festival of Spring, the white festival par excellence. (Not from a hypothetical *velykden "great day") |
Sbc. | belec | Smew, 62 |
Lith. | bãlas | white, lettish balgans whitish |
Slk. | belasy, belavy | sky blue |
Pol.: reg. | bialawy | blue |
Ukr. | belej | French ver blanc, larva of a beetle |
Sln. | belka | Ptarmigan, 12 |
Bulg. | bêlmo | = Galicia belida, above |
Sbc. | bielác, balumcin, balansir | Great Egret, 120 |
Arabic: Maroc | bu-bilisa | Little Egret, 121 |
Arabic: Eg. | balaSam | Heron, 118 |
Turkish | balïkcïl | Heron, 118 (pre-osman substr.) |
Arabic: Eg. | abu-balik | Wheatear, 349 |
Eth.: Mursi | balai | white-backed (animal) |
(3.1.2 Removed, integrated)
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