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Franç.: AnispissouPipit, 305
Ital.: Nap.pissibisbiglio
Ital.: Romg.pissirasandpipers, 171
Faroepisayoung sea-birds, 72, 73, 74
Sbc.pisnutito peep, whistle
RussianpiSat'to warble, to cry, to creak
Ukr.piSot'to whistle, etc.
Bulg.pisvamto peep, cry
Sbc.popiSinkicaWhitethroat, 362
CzechpisíkCommon Sandpiper, 17
CzechpisecnikCurlew, 167; Little Ringed Plover, 164
CzechpisecneBlue Tit, 391
Bulg.piSjalkaflute, bird call
Germ.: reg.spiesslerchePipit, 205, 207
Ital.: V.Verzasca(TI)spiossiito whimper
Engl.reg.speasesandpipers, 180
Anc.Greekspizoto chirp
Anc.Greekspizitès"a kind of titmouse"
Anc.GreekspitzaChaffinch, 432
CzechspicaTree Pipit, 307
Germ.: reg.spitzescharGreat Tit, 390
Engl.pitchfrequency of sound, sales talk, promotion (not related to the other non-acoustic values of the term, like throw, toss etc.)
Esp.: Ast.apitsarllamar al ganado
Roman.pitigâiato talk with a falsetto voice
Roman.pitigoi et var.Great Tit, 390
Ital.: Abruz.pizzangape(Balk. influx) Great Tit, 390
Ital.: Vegliasurca pitsigâunbat, 16.8

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