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Franç.pérorerto spout
Esp.perorar(Cat. id.) to spout
Basqueerranto speak
Germ.pfarrerpriest, cf. parrochio,preacherð5.6.4.
Germ.reg.pfarramselBlackbird, 342
Germ.reg.perrimannWren, 406
BretonperigSkylark, 297
Gallegoperocría de la picaza, 288
Port.perraGreat Crested Grebe, 66
Esp.: LanzaroteperritoCory's Shearwater, 112
Ital.: Sard.cuccaperraBarn Owl, 238
Esp.: Mexiqueperro de aguaNight Heron, AM202
Esp.: Chilipato perroGadwall, AM152
Ital.: Sard.cuccaperraBarn Owl, 238
Lat.parraa bird of bad omen, prob. the Barn Owl (see No. 238, Ital.)
Ital.: Sard.parrapicaMagpie, 288
Gael.S.parr et var.Hooded Crow, 281
Basqueparralaugh, mockery; action of spinning (wool)
Ital.parodiareto scoff, jeer
Franç.: Poitouperauderchanter haut, FEW 23: 142
Franç.rég.pérou et var.Goose, 27; Béarn. pèrrou Red-legged Partridge, 16
Port.peruTurkey, 5
Ital.nordpiruTurkey, 5
Basquepiro, pirudomestic duck, 40
GallegopiroGuillemot, 74
Franç.: Gasc.pirahoudomestic duck, 40
Gallegopiradomestic hen, 2
Ital.: Valsug.piradomestic hen, 2
Franç.rég.pirotte etc.goose, 27; domestic duck, 40
Roman.piruito make trills
Germ.piro, pirolOriole, 296
Esp.pirolopeg of a violin
Gallegopirolo, pirloGolden Plover, 161
Ital.: Tosc.pirulinoGreen Sandpiper, 172
Ital.: Tosc.piro-piro, pirlasandpipers, 171
Port.pirulaGolden Plover, 161
Gallegopilrosandpipers, 180
Engl.: Shetl.peerie-hawkKestrel, 234 (?) (prob. a name for the Curlew, see next name; for hawkð5.15.1.)
Engl.: Shetl.peerie-whaupCurlew, 167

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