Previous PageNext Page p-t To make noise; faire du bruit, FEW 8: 136-139

Slavicpet'to sing
Bulg.petléHoopoe, 263
Slavicpetel et var.domestic cock, 2
Mod.Greekpetinósdomestic cock, 2. No relation to the root pet- "to fly" (ð6.4.2.): of all European birds, the cock is the only one that practically cannot fly; also to be noted is the fact that this name designates only the male (the singer)
Ital.petóneTurkey, 5
Port.petinhaTree Pipit, 307
Franç.: LdespetouyaCorn Bunting, 445
Franç.: Char.petucheCormorant, 105
Franç.rég.petásBuzzard, 211
Ital.: Ven.petàsCorn Bunting, 445
Ital.: Triestepetàzadonna linguacciuta
Ital.: CanavesespetaciotChaffinch, 432
Anc.Greekaspetosthat cannot be expressed with words
Franç.(in Palsgrave)patoiswarbling of birds
Franç.patoisbad speech, mauvais parler (à l'oreille de l'autre). Certainement pas de patte!
Franç.patelincajoleur; village d'origine (où l'on reconnaît son parler)
Franç.(a.litt.)patelerto warble
Franç.: (Anglo-norm.)patilerto cackle (domestic hen, 2), FEW 22: 15
Franç.: BozonC.espatillerto cackle
Franç.:Pic. (a.litt.)pantereinstrument de musique, FEW 23: 144
Franç.: Aveyronpotostèlocrécelle à marteau, FEW 23: 200
Ital.: Bruzolopatalakrattle, FEW 23: 200
Esp.: Sal.patoleanoise, rumour, etc.
Esp.: Sal.apitarto cry
Esp.pitoa small flute
Anc.Greekpatagéoto make noise
Franç.rég.patigoparrot, 260
Ital.pettegolachattering; sandpipers, 171
Prov.petugo, putegoHoopoe, 263
Prov.petouvoEagle Owl, 247
Prov.pétanquejeu de boule. Au cours duquel les arguments bruyants ne manquent pas, cf. baccarað5.22.5.
Franç.pataquèsfaute grossière de langage. L'étym. "pas-t'à-qu'est-ce" est infondée et dénuée de sens
Franç.: Sarre (Aoste)patitchojargon des ramoneurs
CzechpatikaGreat Tit, 390
Franç.patati et patataexpression désignant un long bavardage
Engl.patterto chatter
Engl.sputterbredouiller, pétiller, etc. Corn Bunting, 445; cf. pétar, hereunder
Engl.dial.spute, spootydispute
Ital.disputadiscussion, controverse. No semantic connection to Lat. putare "to cut" which is related to gr. podein
Nederl.spotfeugeltjeIcterine Warbler, 381
Germ.reg.spottvogelWhitethroat, 362; Reed Warbler, 374; Red-backed Shrike, 326; Starling, 293
Germ.: Lux.spottvullNuthatch, 401
Germ.reg.spottdrosselSong Thrush, 339
Germ.spottento scoff, jeer
Germ.reg.puterTurkey, 5
Franç.potingossip, din, uproar
Engl.reg.puttockBuzzard, 211
Franç.rég.pouteBuzzard, 211
Ital.: BientinopotajaBuzzard, 211
Franç.: VSpètaillerto clatter, crackle
Franç.pétillerto crackle
Franç.pétaudièrenoisy assembly
Franç.Pétaud (cour du roi)id.
Cat.colom peterWood Pigeon, 255
Franç.péterdétonner, etc.
Lat.Jupitergod of thunder. For Etruscan iu "god" ð3.4.16.1.; cf. Danð5.8.4.
Franç.pétoire, canepetièreGreat Bustard, 135
Franç.: BerrypittouirBittern, 125
GallegopitorroGuillemot, 74
Ital.: Sic.pitarraMagpie, 288
Ital.: Sic.pitturruGreat Crested Grebe, 66
Gallegopetarto make noise
Franç.: IsèrepétarBuzzard, 211
Franç.: Lgd.pétaretnoisy
Franç.rég.pétaret et var.Wren, 406
Prov.pétariCorn Bunting, 445
Ital.: Sard.petaronid.
Mod.Greekpetritis"falcon" = prob. Buzzard, 211 or Kestrel, 234, see the following)
Alb.petritvarious hawks, Black Kite, 215
Ukr.petroCorn Crake, 146
Franç.: Rouerguepitrefifre, FEW 23: 145
Cat.petrolinaTree Pipit, 307
Franç.: Gasc.petorloinaid.
Franç.: Montp.petourlinaid.
Ital.reg.petrarolaGreat Bustard, 135
Dan.peter et var.White Stork, 127, Red-throated Diver, 63
Dan.petersenJackdaw, 285
Dan.peter nonsmad, per smutteWren, 406
Dan.pederskrædersHerring Gull, 81
Dan.pederdykkerLittle Auk, 76
Nederl.peerdsneers, petrusHouse Sparrow, 410
Nederl.peerdelijsterMistle Thrush, 340
Germ.reg.petterGoldfinch, 415
Germ.reg.peter et var.Wren, 406; domestic duck, 40
Germ.reg.peterwitzelLapwing, 158
Engl.reg.peterBuzzard, 211
Germ.reg.dackpeterHouse Sparrow, 410
Gael.I.peitearachBritish Storm-petrel, 115
Engl.little peterBritish Storm-petrel, 115
Engl.petrelBritish Storm-petrel, 115
Engl.petrel, peterelGodwit, 169 or Whimbrel, 168
Engl.petrellKittywake, 86
Franç.nordpétrelsandpipers, 180; British Storm-petrel, 115
Franç. rég.pétrellsorte de bougie de résine qui fait entendre un grésillement
Franç. rég.pétrotgenévrier (qui grésille lorsqu'on le brûle)
Franç.rég.pétrèl (la)bat
Czechpetrel'níkCorn Bunting, 445
Ital.: Abruz.zapietrâChaffinch, 432 (Balk. influx with Slavic particle za)
Ital.ucello di san pietroBritish Storm-petrel, 115
Esp.ave de san pietroBritish Storm-petrel, 115
Port.petres de pedroCory's shearwater, 112
Esp. reg.pedretaLapwing, 158
Ital.: Sard.pidraziuGreat Bustard, 135
Esp.pedirto ask, sollicite (cf. pétition)
Engl.peddleto hawk (goods), to spread rumours; cf. preceding word. No kin to pad "basket" (the modern "soft-pedaling" is a fallacious orthography for soft-peddling - as opposed to hard selling)
Franç.pétitionpetition. Not from a base pet- "to fly"!

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