Espèce domestiquée d'origine sud-américaine. Cairina a été formé d'après le gr. kairos "verrue" en raison des caroncules frontaux et non d'après Cairo ou Le Caire.
Cymry Mysgovys.
Engl. Muscovy Duck.- scovy Som., musk duck, Guinea duck, Indian duck, Egyptian duck, Cairo duck, book., erroneous translation of Aldrovandi's Anascairina in the Ornithology of Willughby, see above. The origin of muscovy is obscure; it is not known whether muscovy preceded musk or vice versa. Opinions are also divided among gourmets. The Laroussegastronomique, English edition, New York, 1961, p. 357 says that "its flesh is rather mediocre and sometimes is so musky as to be even uneatable, which, according to some authorities, has led this palmiped to be called musk-duck. Another school believes that musk-duck "is a corruption of Muscovyduck and, furthermore, this bird, in spite of its unpleasant association of its name, has no odour of musk". However, continues the Larousse, "the young birds are fairly good to eat, the old are tough and have a strong odour, which, it is said, they develop after they have acquired their red wattles". Hill, in 1864, as an explanation of the name, writes that they "originally came from the Mosquito coast, Nicaragua, the land of the Muysca Indians, whence the name Musco duck, later corrupted to Muscovy". This however is very conjectural. In the English ornithological literature Muscovy is used exclusively while in French musqué is in use. It is to be noted that in France muscat is attested in at least one local speech, thus adding to the probability that the name originated in France, with the meaning of "musk".
Franç. Canard de Barbarie.- Barbarie a le sens de "pays étranger" et non d'un pays en particulier.- cane de Guinée, canard d'Inde, pion b.Quercy (cf. pio "dindon" q.v.); muscat Lauragais, canard musqué (voir angl.).
[colá = Dindon, 5]
Prov. Canard mut.- canard mû, canar dis Indo, musquet.
Cat. Anec morisch.- mut, ànec mut, ànec de Berberia Cat., ànera forastera Mall.
Esp. pato almizclado, pato de Berberia, pato de Libia, pato de Moravia, pato de Indias.
Ital. Anitra muta.- anadra mòta Bol., tsàcval mót Romg. (par opposition au canard domestique qui ne ménage pas sa voix), coddi-jancu Otr., indiána Bresc.: Lugana, anara indiana Ver., anara d'India, anara de Barbaria Ven., anara de Libia (-), andòt faraón Pav. ð3.2.45..- tsacvén da la crësta Romg.,
Roum. Ratâ leseáscâ.- ratâ leseascâ("polonais"), ratâ-mutâLipora, Oravita, rata de Barbaria, rata-turceascâ, ratâ-besinoasâ(besica = bouton, pustule, allusion aux caroncules faciaux).
[gotcâ = Cucos-de-mesteacân, 8]
Grec Netta lybiki.
Alb. Rosë-deti (de mer = d'outremer).
Sbc. misirpacica morska pacica.
Tch. Kachna pizmová.- kachna babská, kachna polská, kachna turecká, picmar, pizmar, kachna pizmová, slaSovka, lefnar.
Ukr. Šavkûn.- Savkûn (Savkotity = parler du nez).
Russe samorskaja utka, kitajskaja utka. [Sipun = Cygne sauvage]
Iran murgh-e sabzavàr.
H.Sem. khonkel ar.