Gael.I. Lacha iascán.- lacha scapach book. (< Engl. scaup).
Gael.S. Lach ceann-uaine.
[lachanfheusgain = Wigeon, 46]
Cymry Hwyaden benddu.- llygad arian (silver-eyed).
Engl. Scaup.- scaup York., scaup-pochard Dmf.; a scaup or mussel-scaup is a bed of mussels; the bird's name is a reference to the place where it is often seen feeding, cf. the following names: mussel-duck Ire. mussel-teal Nrf., Nhb., York., Dmf., mussel-picker (-) (the preceding names are prob. coll.); blue-neb Nhb., blue-bill Cumb., Dmf., Ire., blue-gill Nrf. (for bill),green-headed diver Antrim, Belfast Lough, silver-pockard York., frosty-back wigeon Som., gray-back e.Angl., Nrf., Suff., Suss., grey-backed curre s.w.Engl., ker Hmp., cur, curre Devon, Hants., w.Engl., Som.: Weymouth, Poole, Lympsnam (see No. 54); dowker Cumb., diving-duck Shetl., diving-wigeon Ire. (coll.), wigeon Ches. etc., sea-wigeon (-) coll.; as the meaning of wigeon (whistler) has been lost, the name has been extended to several non-whistling species. black-duck etc., coll., see No. 48.- teal-drake n.Engl. ð3.3.4..- wetwang greyback (-) (whitewing), white-nosed day-fowl @Suff., Nrf., white-faced duck @Wexf., bridle-duck @Ire., whiteside Londonderry, norway-duck Belfast Lough, Antrim, norwegian teal Banff.
[spoonbill,spoon-billduck = Spoonbill, 42; easterlan,easterling = Garganey, 43; hollandduck = Great Northern Diver, 65; covie = Eider-duck, 58; mule = Wigeon, 46]
Isl . Duggönd.- dúkönd (a coll. name).
Norsk Bergand.- li-and Vestl., salåt-ånn Oppl.
Svensk Bergand.- storvigg, veling, nasar, myrsvärt, grimmad and; doppand (coll.). [vitbuk = Vigg, 54]
Dansk Bjergand.- blånæbb(a), biergand Bornh., blånæb, blåryg, stålgrå, skingerand, skindand, spidsnakke, kristenkjelds, adelsmand, polsk ædelmand, lysand, svenskand, perlerusser.
Nederl . Toppereend. (a name for the Tufted Duck, 48) jolling, jolm, kareend wfries., blaerkop, veldduiker [topper et var. = Kuifeend, 48]
Deutsch Bergente.- weissaug Mittelfr., weissaugenente ["alpenente" book., by analogy with bergente = Tafelente, 50; moderente = Reiherente, 48; perlente = Schnatterente, 45; blässint = Pfeifente, 46]
Franç. Canard milouinan. (Nom formé par Brisson d'après milouin, 50, auquel ce canard ressemble); cuner (non cumer),petit cu-ner Pic. (cul noir), pilet (coll., voir No. 40), dos-gris (-).
[piletmacreuse = Garrot, 54; rayé, pilet maillé = Milouin, 50]
Prov. Bouissé uei-de-vèire.- bouis, bouisset (coll.) ð10.1.3..- boisse (Del'honnêtevolupté, 1584, p. 119); uei de vèire (oeil de verre, pour son oeil clair).
Cat. Anec buixot.- boix Albufera, box Eyv., buixot Gir., Conflent, Garrotxa (coll.) ð10.1.3..
Basque Murgilari aundi.
Esp. Porrón bastardo. [patoboludo,patobocón = Malvasía, 53]
Port. Zarro bastardo.
Ital. Moretta grigia.- moretta grigia Tosc., moetta grixa Gen., biancot Bresc., sabionëra Varese (pour l'aspect de son dos ð3.4.14.), majàs Friuli ð3.6.39..- tomiröl TI (gen.) ð10.4.1..- ania funda Piem. (gen.) ð10.1.2..- busciu, buscinu Sard. (gen.) ð10.1.3..- campanatón Ven., stampanatón Istr. (augm. de campanato, Quattrocchi, 54), muret etc.: voir No. 48.
[magasbrinòn = Moriglione, 50]
R.Rom. Anda da cheu verd.
Roum. Ratâ cap-negru.
Grec Marilópapia. (calque du nom sc.).
Bulg. Planinska potapniça.- velika njorka (?).[rujavkapotapniça = Belooka potapniça, 51]
Sbc. Patka crninka.- morska krika (sarcelle de mer), norka ð10.12.1..- velika njorka (?).
[rujavka,snejdapatka = Patka gogoljica, 51]
Tch. Polák tundrový.- kachna chlumníð3.1.40..
Slk. Kacica morska.
Pol. Ogorzalka.kaczka górna.[ogorzalka = Podgorzalka, 51; koholka h.sor. = Gägol, 54]
Ukr. Cern' morska.
Russe Morskaja cernet.- longicenS.
[plesovka = Lysuxa, 138; belobok,belogaska,sorovaja = Beloglazyj nyrok, 51; kagolka,kagalka = Gogol', 54]
Bielor. Morskaja cernet'. [pljaSoúka = Lysuxa, 138]
Lit. ziloji antis.- naras (gen.) ð10.12.1..
Lette kerra.- kerra (imit., cf. Engl. curre),lila kerra, nirpile (gen.).
Talych xugja-ger ("schweintaucher").
Arm. Dzovaein Sowzabad.
Azeri Dongusa-ger ("schweintaucher").
Ar. jankjha.
Hebr. Tsollal yami.