75. CEPPHUS GRYLLE (Uria g.) |
(for grylleð5.2.21.)
Gael.I. Foracha dhubh.- calog Rathlin I., bairéadach (< bairéad "a cap"), caltag; eun-dubh-a-sgadain Rathlin I. (black bird of herrings, coll. for 74 and 75), crosán, (non cronan),éan-aille, (rock-bird), éan-aille dubh, colûr toinne.
Gael.S. Caltag.- càileag Iona, cailleag, coilleag, callag, carlag, calltag, caltag ð3.1.42..- craigeach Eigg, gearra, gearra dhubh, gearr(a)-glas, crosan, taibhse (see Engl. tystie et var.), baireadach, colur-tuinne, casgan-long, eun-àille dubh, eala-bheag an sgadain, eala-bheag nan cuidiginn.
Cymry Gwylog ddu.- chwilog ddu, gwilin ddu, yr helligog ddu, casgan longwr.
Engl. Black Guillemot.- sea-pigeon Scot., Lindis., Ire.: Larne, Donegal, Islandmagee, say-pigeon Man, diving pigeon Nhb., dive-pigeon Farn I. (pigeon because it peeps like a domestic pigeon squab ð5.23.10..- sea-dovie Scot., Frf., dovekie, dovekee by whalers, and Scot., sea-dove Nrf., w.Isles, Scot., Greenland dove Ork., n.Scot., greenland turtle, turtur Bass Rock, turtle Nhb., sea-turtle Corn., turtle-dove Lindis., rock-dove Ire. (dove and turtle after pigeon),tystie Ork., Shetl., Caith., Nrf., taistey Ork., tiestie Shetl., toist, toyste, taiste, tyste Ork., teistie Scot., Nrf., Shetl., Caith., testie n.e. Scot., Gamrie, taster Scot. (cf. norw. teiste, dan. tejst, Faroe teisti, isl. theista; of imit. origin also russ. cistik).scraber Hebr., e.Loth., puffin Donegal, puffinet Lindis., Nhb., red-legged-puffin Down, Donegal, blackbird n.Donegal, black duck n.Ire., black hen n.Antrim, black puffin Coleraine, jennie-gray Caith. (in its first plumage), cuttie, cutty Scot., Belfast, Antrim, Donegal, Belfast Lough (see No. 74).
Isl . Teista.- teistu-kofa, pétrskofa.
Norsk Teiste.- teist, perdrikkar.
Svensk Tobisgrissla.- grissla, grislo, grissel, grischl, greslan ð5.5.3..- grylla, grilla, gryyl ð5.2.21..- gryllokarl ð5.2.11..- grått, grautl, gröttla ð5.2.49..- teiste, teste, täjst, tist(e), iste, per sup, per supare, olledrucken sillknipare, sillknipa, spita, hackapigg, grisselpojke, strymmingshyna, strömmingahyna.
Dansk Tejst.- tist Vejrø i Kattegat, tejste, tistand (-), sijljaperris, sildeperris, -piris, sjødoua, blânkenkniv Bornh., makrelfugl Anholt, Fyn, Rørvig, Hesselø, drikand, perdrikker Sejrø, perdrik, sildeper, krageand, bagand, marsvindfugl, ålge, klaus.
Nederl . Zwarte Zeekoet.- groenlandes duif (book.), zeeduif.
Deutsch Gryllteiste.- teiste (s. Engl.), gryllteist(e), grylltaucher, lumme, gryll-lumme ð5.2.21..- rotjer Helg., seetaube, tauchertaube, taubenlumme, grönländische taube, taucherhuhn, schwarze stechente, kahjurvogel ð5.10.4..
Franç. Guillemot à miroir.- pigeon de mer Canada ð5.23.10..- grylle, gryllé dict., calques du nom sc.
Pol. Nurnik biloskuzydly.- nurzyk, zdZbelnik, Zdzieblik, Zdzieblarz.
Russe Cistnik.- cistik, (cf. scand. teista),svistun, izvozcik; kaër, kajur, kajuver, kajurok, kajurka ð5.10.4..- steblak (cf. pol.), pSeniSnik.
Lette Cistiks.