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5.5.1 fr-z

Anc.Greekphrásiselocution, phrase
Alb.frezëmilling machine
Franç.fraisedentist's drill
Franç.: Lgd.frezáto hum
Esp.fresarto growl
Franç.froississound produced in crumpling
Franç.froisserto crumple. (no relation to frustum "piece")
Ital.reg.frasáiNightjar, 251
Franç.fresaie et var.Barn Owl, 238 (no relation to Lat. praesaga)
Germ.reg.fresakeGarganey, 43
Franç.(a.litt.)frisserto whistle, FEW 23: 195
Franç.: H.Rivièresfrîchientrer en ébulition (de la "braise" = graisse), FEW 23: 47
Franç.: Chevagnesferchialerto crackle (graisse fondante)
Franç.: Lyonfresillerto rustle
Franç.friserto produce a quivering sound
Ital.: Ven.frisolin et var.Serin, 418
Ital.frizionehissing noise made by liquids when poured on the fire
Franç.: VDfrèzenâto crackle
Franç.(a.litt.)frinserto sing ("de la caille" = du pinson)
Franç.rég.frinsonChaffinch, 432

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