(?) After a bird name : uncertain attribution

(?) After a place name : locality doubtful

? After a bird name : spelling uncertain

Arrows refer either to appendices of vol. 2, or to species number in vol. 1


a. ancient

a., A. before a geographical name:

alto, alta Old Egyptian, ancien égyptien ancien français, Old French ancien grec, Old Greek

a.litt. ancienne litterature, old literature

a.pruss. ancien prussien,

Old Prussian

Abx. Abkhaz

acoust. acoustic

adj. adjective

Afgh. Afghanistan and speeches

neighbouring its northern and eastern borders

Agr. Agrigento, Sicile

aha ancien haut allemand,

Old High German

ahd alt hochdeutsch

akk. Akkadian

Alb. albanais, Albanian

ALF Atlas linguistique

de la France

ALG Atlas linguistique

de la Gascogne

ALI Atlante linguistico d'Italia

ALJ Atlas linguistique du Jura et des Alpes

all. allemand, German

all.Tr. allemand de Transylvanie

ALMC Atlas linguistique du Massif Central

ALR Atlas linguistique roumain

Als. Alsace

alt. Altaic

amh. Amharic

Amer.N. Amérique du Nord, North America

AN Alta Navarra

And. Andalusia

Antr. Antrim (Ireland)

Antron. Val d'Antrona

app. apport, influx

ar. arabe

ar.mér. arabe méridional, southern Egypt

Arag. Aragon

aram. araméen, Aramaic

Ard. Ardennes

Arenz. Arenzano

arg. argot, argotique, slang

Arm. Armenian

art. création artificielle

AS Anglo-Saxon

Ast. Asturias

augm. augmentative

Auv. Auvergne

Ayres. Ayreshire

Azerb. Azerbaïdjan


b. bas, low

b.all. bas allemand, Low German

B.Alpes Basses-Alpes

B.Engad. Basse-Engadine

B.Pyr. Basses-Pyrénées

Bal. Baleares

Balk. Balkans

BanR. Ban-de-la-Roche

Barc. Barcelona

Bass. Bassano

Bay. Bayonne

BE canton of Bern

Belg. Belgique

Bell. Belluno

berb. Berber

Berg. Bergamasco

bielor. bielorussian

Bient. Bientino

Big. Bigorre

Bisc. Biscaya, Biskaya

BN Baja Navarra

Bol. Bolognese

Born. Bornholm

Boul. Boulogne

book. bookish : a name recorded in the literature posterior to Gessner, Aldrovandi or Belon; it is not recorded in the spoken languages; it may be a borrowing, a coined name or may have a doubtful spelling

Braunschw. Braunschweig

Bresc. Bresciano

Bret. Bretagne

Bulg. Bulgarian, bulgare

Burg. Burgos

Burush. Burushaski


c. centre, central, centro

Cal. Calabria

Calv. Calvados

Caltan. Caltanisetta

Campid. Campidano

Carc. Carcassone

Carp. Carpentras

Casp. Caspienne

cat. Catalan

Cat. Catalogne (continentale)

Catanz. Catanzaro

Cév. Cévennes

cf. confere, comparer

Ch.Inf. Charente-Inférieure

Chald. Chaldean

Char. Charente

Ches. Cheshire

cinét. cinétique

coll. collective : applicable to a group of species or genera.

Cord. Cordoba

Corn. Cornish, Cornwall;

en Bretagne : Cornouailles

corr. corruption

Corr. Corrèze

Cos. Cosenza

cott. (Alpes) cottiennes

Crem. Cremonese

Cushit. Cushitic

Cycl. Cyclades


D. Doerfer (1963)

d.Nord département du Nord

Dalm. Dalmatie

Dan. Danish

Dauph. Dauphiné

D.Sèvres Deux-Sèvres

dial. dialectal

dim. diminutive

div. divers, various localities

Dmf. Dumfries

Dobr. Dobroudja

dom. domestic

Dord. Dordogne

Dors. Dorset

drav. dravidian

DS deutsche Schweiz


e. est, east

Eg. Egypte actuelle

empr. emprunt, borrowing

Engad. Engadine

Engl. English

Eol. Isole Lipari (Eoliennes)

err. error, erroneous

Esp. espagnol, Spanish

Ess. Essex

Est. Estonian

et al. et alii, and others

et seq. et sequitur, and following

et var. et variantes, and variants

Eth. Ethiopie

etr. Etruscan

etym. etymology, etymological


fém. féminin

FEW Französisches Etymologisches


finn. Finnish

Fior. Fiorentino

Fl. Flandres

flam. flemish

fr., franç. French, francophone regions

and Gallo-Romance dialects

FR canton de Fribourg

Fr.C. Franche-Comté

fr.-pr. franco-provençal

Frf. Forfar

fries. friesisch, Frisian


G Guipuzcoa, Gipuzkoa

Gael.I. Gaelic of Ireland

Gael.S. Gaelic of Scotland

Gal. Galicia

Gall. Galloway

gallo-rom. gallo-romance

gallur. gallurese

Gar. Garonne

Garf. Garfagnani

Garigl. Garigliano

Gasc. Gascogne

Gât. Gâtinais

Georg. Georgian

Giud. Giudicarie

Giul. Giuliano

GE canton de Genève

gen. generic: applicable to any species within one genus

Gen. Genova

Germ. German, germanique

Gir. Gironde

Glam. Glamorgan

Glo. Gloucester

goth. Gothic

Gött. Göttingen

Gr. continental Greece

GR canton of Graubünden

Gran. Granada

Grec Modern Greek

Grubenh. Grubenhagen

Guad. Guadalajara

grus. grusinisch, Gruzinian

Guern. Guernesey

Guy. Guyenne


h. high

H.Pyr. Hautes-Pyrénées

H.Sem. Hamito-semitic

Hamp. Hampshire

Hebr. Hebrew

Hebr. (English or Gaelic) Hebrides

Hedm. Hedmark

Helg. Helgoland

Heref. Hereford

hg. Hungarian

Hert. Hertfordshire

Hildesh. Hildesheim


I. Ile, Isle, Isla

I.E. Indo-European V. Ille-et-Vilaine

Icel. Icelandic

imit. imitative, imitation

imm. immature

incl. inclusive, includes.

ire., Ire. Irish, Ireland

isl. islandais, Icelandic

Istr. Istria

It. Italy

it., ital. italian


JU canton du Jura

juv. juvenile, young, jeune,


Kab. Kabardin

kachoub. Kachoubien, Kashubian

Kirc. Kircudbright

Kr. Kreise

Kür. Kürinish


l. latin

L. Lake, Lac, Lago

L (basque) Labourd, Lapurdi Cher Loir-et-Cher

L.Inf. Loire-Inférieure

Lan. Lanarks

Lanc. Lancaster

Landr. Landremont

Lat. Latin

Ldes Landes

Ldes.mar. Landes maritimes

Leic. Leicester

Lezg. Lezghian

LG Low German

Ligur. Liguria

Lim. Limousin

Linc. Lincolnshire

lit. Lithuanian

liter. literature : name attested in the literature only, without any given locality; literally

litt. littéraire, littérature; littéralement

livr. livresque : nom attesté dans la littérature ornithologique postérieure à Gessner, Aldrovandi et Belon; il n'est pas attesté dans les parlers et peut être un emprunt ou une création artificielle (v. book.)

Log. Logudoro

Logr. Logroño

Lomb. Lombardia

Loth. Lothian

Loz. Lozère

Lunév. Lunéville

Lus. Luserna (Sette Communi)

Lux. Luxembourg


m. middle

mba moyen bas allemand

M. et Mos. Meurthe-et-Moselle Middle Irish

M.Or. Moyen-Orient, Middle East

mha moyen haut allemand

mhd mittelhochdeutsch

ML Meyer-Lübke (1911)

Maced. Macedonia

Mad. (Portuguese) Madeira

Mad. (Italian) Madonie (Sicile)

Mal. Malaga

Mall. Mallorca

Malm. Malmédy

MALR Micul Atlas Linguisticul Romîn

Mant. Mantova

Mar. Maroc

Mars. Marseilles

masc. masculin

Mass. Massaciuccoli

May. Mayenne

Meckl. Mecklenburg

Men. Menorca

Mess. Messina

Mezzol. Mezzolombardo

mha moyen haut allemand, Middle High German

Midl. Midlands

Mil. Milanese

Mittelfr. Mittelfranken

Mod. Modenese

Montb. Montbéliard

Montp. Montpellier

Mos. Moselle

moz. Mozarabic literature

Mt. Mont, Monte


n. North, nord, norte

n.Cy. North Country

n.e. North-East néo-grec, Modern Greek

n.o. nord-ouest, North-West

N.-Tr. Nord-Trøndelag

Narb. Narbonne

Nap. Napoli

Nav. Navarra

nd. niederdeutsch

NE canton of Neuchâtel

Nederl., nl. néerlandais, Dutch

Nfch. Neufchâteau

Nhb. Northumberland

Nhp., Nhamp. Northampton

nl., nederl. néerlandais, Dutch

Noirm. Noirmoutier

nor. norsk, Norwegian

nordfries. nordfriesisch

Norm. Normandie

Nott. Nottingham

Nov. Novara

Norf. Norfolk

norw. Norwegian

NW canton de Niedwald


o. ouest, oveste old Irish

o.liter. old literature

Oberösterr. Oberösterreich

oc occitan

occ. occident, occidental

OE Old English

Oesterr. Oesterreich, Austria

OHG Old High German

Oldenb. Oldenburg

ON Old Norse

onom. onomatopeia

Oppl. Oppland

or. orient, oriental

Ork. Orkneys

orn. ornithology

Oss. Ossola

ostfries. ostfriesisch, East Frisian

Otr. Otranto

ougarit. ougaritique, Ugaritic

OW canton d'Obwald

Oxf. Oxfordshire

PP C. Pas-de-Calais D. Puy-de-Dôme

Pad. Padovese

Pal. Palermo

Palest. Palestine

Pav. Pavese

Pel. Isole Pelagie

Pemb. Pembroke

Pér. Périgord

pers. Persian

phoen. Phenician

Piac. Piacenza

Piem. Piemonto

Pic. Picardie

Pin. Pinerolese

Pir. Pireneos

Pis. Pisano

Pit. Pityusas

Pl.M. Plancher-les-Mines

plur. plural

Pok. Pokorny (1959)

pol. Polish

Poles. Polesine

Pontev. Pontevedra

pop. popular

prob. probably

pron. pronounced

prov., Prov. provençal, Provence

précéd. precedent

PuyD. Puy-de-Dôme

Pyr. Pyrénées

Pyr.or. Pyrénées-Orientales


R.Rom. rheto-romansh

Rav. Ravenna

Reckl. Recklingen

reg. regional

ReggioC Reggio, Calabria

ReggioE Reggio, Emilia

REW Romanisches

Etymologisches Wörterbuch

Rhén. Rhénanie

Roman. Romanian

Romg. Romagna

Ross. Rossellón

Rouss. Roussillon

rhot. rhotacized

Rov. Rovereto

Roxb. Roxbury


s. sud, sur, South

S (basque) Soule

S. San, Santo, Sao, Saint

s.e. South-East L. Saône-et-Loire M. Seine-et-Marne

S.-Tr. South-Trøndelag

Sah.Maghr. Sahara Maghrebia

(anc. Sahara Español)

Salzb. Salzburg

Sant. Santander

Sard. Sardinia

Sass. Sassarese

Sav. Savoie

Sbc. serbo-croate

sc. scientific

scand. scandinavian

Schles.-H. Schleswig-Holstein

Scot. Scotland

Scots Engl. English of Scotland lowland

Seg. Segovia

Sen. Senese

Senig. Senigaglia

Sev. Sevilla

SG canton of Saint-Gall

Sic. Sicile

Sir. Siracuse

skr. Sanskrit

sl. Slavic

Slav. Slavonian

Slk. Slovak

sln. Slovenian

SO canton of Soleure


Som. Somerset

sor. Sorabian (Lusatian, wendisch)

sp. species

sp? attribution of name uncertain

as to the species

SR Suisse romande

St. Saint M. Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Steierm. Steiermark

Strassb. Strassbourg

sumer. Sumerian

Surs. Sursilvan

sv. svensk, Swedish

TT G. Tarn-et-Garonne

Tab. Tabassaran

Tarr. Tarragona

Tch. Tchèque, Czech

Tcherk. Tcherkess, Circassian

Tchetch. Tchetchen

Ten. Tenerife

Ter. Teruel

Terran. Terranova

TH Thurgau

TI canton of Ticino

Tol. Toledo

Tor. Torino

Tosc. Toscane

Tour. Touraine

Trap. Trapani

Trent. Trentino

Trev. Trevisa

Tr. Trøndelag

Tun. Tunisie


ukr. Ukrainien

Umbr. Umbria

UW canton of Unterwald


v. vide, vedere, voir, véase, see

V. Val (de, di), Valle, Vallée

Val. (catalan) Valencia

Val. (France) Valenciennes

var. variantes

Vaucl. Vaucluse

VD canton of Vaud

Ven. Veneto

Ver. Veronese

Vestl. Vestland

Vic. Vicenzese

Vig. Vigevano

VS canton of Valais


w. West

wall. Walloon

War. Warwick

westfries. westfriesisch, West Frisian,

Westm. Westmoreland

Wexf. Wexford

Wilt. Wiltshire

Wor. Worcestershire

wspr. widespread

Württ. Württemberg


York. Yorkshire


Zam. Zamora

Zarag. Zaragoza

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