Gael.I. Meirleach pomairíneach.
Cymry Sgiwen frech.- gwylan frech, isgwiwen gynffondro (twisted tail).
Engl. Pomarine Skua.- big allan, York. great allan York. molberry, motter-berry e.Angl., Nrf., Suff., irishlord Som.: Torbay, lords-and-captains Dev., boatswain Suff., Suss., boatswain-gull Dev., the preceding four names, because of its ruthless harassing of other birds, like a boatswain to his crew (not "because they carry their "marine spike", the boatswain emblem" - Smith, 1882"). Note. The scient. name pomarinus is not a mistake of Temminck for "pomatorhinus" into which it had been "corrected" by Sclater (Ibis 1862: 297). If Temminck were still alive, he would first point out to his accusers that skuas do not possess this anatomical feature. He would then proceed to show that pomarinus is the latinized French pomarin, equivalent of the Russian pomornik "that which lies by the sea" as does the land Pomerania, the eagle Aquilapomarina, and the skua. The same etymology explains the dog name Pomeranian, not as coming from Pomerania proper, but from the pomarine region which in Russia means the northernmost region by the sea; this dog certainly appears to be part Samoyed.
Isl . Kólfkjói. (as Kjói, 77).
Norsk Polarjo.- bredhalejo.
Svensk Bredstjärtad Labb. (as Labb, 77).
Dansk Mellemkjove. (as Alm Kjove, 77).
Nederl . Middelste Jager (as Kleine Jager, 77).
Deutsch Mittlere Raubmöwe.
Franç. Labbe pomarin.
Prov. Merdassièr pomarino,
Cat. Goler cuaampla.
Basque Kakajanzale itxas-miru.- itxas-miru.
Esp. Págalo pomerano.
Port. Moleiro pomarino.medonho, moleiro Povoa do Varzim, montanheiro Faro (v.77), palheira I.de Cies, cágado Povoa de Varzim, Ovar, Faro.
Roum. Lup-de-mare.
Grec Spatholistóglaros.
Bulg. TypoopaSata xitSna cajka.
Sbc. Pomornik Sirorepi.- strvinar, otimac.
Tch. Chaluha pomorzanská.
Slk. Pomornik stredný.
Pol. Wydrzyk Zoltoszyi.- rybitw strzelec.
Ukr. Pomornik serednij.
Russe Pomornik srednyi.- pomornik rép., razbojnik "pirate", fomka Mangase, soldat Nord, torbej Sib., povor (v. No.77).
Lit. Bukauodegis pléSikas.
Lette Vidèà klijkaija.- melna kaija.
Eg. Karkar.
Hebr. Hamsan rahav-evra.Malte Ciefa ta' denbha.