Lith. | gaga et var. | Great Crested Grebe, 66 |
Slavic | gaga | goose, 27; Eider, 58 (?) |
Lith. | gagéti, gagenti | to cackle (goose) |
Lith. | gagalas | White Stork, 127 |
Lith. | gagalas et var. | domestic duck, 40 |
Anc.Greek(byz.) | gagíla | Magpie, 288 |
Roman.: Enisala | gîgîlitâ | White-fronted Goose, 30 |
Sbc. | gagalica | Jackdaw, 285; Rook, 282 |
Sbc. | gagula | Great Crested Grebe, 66 |
Sbc. | gegac | Red-backed Shrike, 326 |
Sbc. | gagati | to call (Pheasant, 3) |
Ukr. | gagak, gegavka | Great Crested Grebe, 66 |
Bielor. | hahác et var. | Great Crested Grebe, 66 |
Russian | gagara | Great Crested Grebe, 66 |
Germ.reg. | gagvogel | Wren, 406 |
Germ.reg. | gager | domestic duck, 40 |
Germ. reg. | gagelak | Nuthatch, 401 |
Skr. | gaag | to laugh |
ON | gagg | to yelp |
Engl.Scot. | gadge | talk haughtily |
Engl. | gag | joke |
Engl. | gaga | fou de |
Franç.rég. | gaga | propos de niais |
Franç.rég. | guégette | chèvre |
Breton | gagennañ | pleurer à ne plus pouvoir parler |
Franç.: Béarn. | yagan | railleur, FEW, 22: 74 |
Esp. | gago | stuttering |
Breton | gagaout | stutterer |
Roman. | gagâutâ | stutterer, whence Gagaouze, Turkish peoples in Bulgaria and Bessarabia ("the stutterers"; from the Megleno-Rom. substr.) |
Slk. | gagoS | Red-backed Shrike, 326 |
Ital.: Locarno | goga | id. |
Ital.: Sard. | gocca, coca | goose, 27 |
Ital.nord | cocal et var. | gulls, 81-84 |
Arabic: Eg. | ghoka | (Romance influx) gulls 81-84 |
Port. | gagoza | gulls, 81-84 |
Ital.: Ven. | scagoza, magoga | id. |
Franç.: Montana (VS) | gugâ | to yodel |
Roman. | gâgâi | to honk, cackle (goose), to mumble |
Aroman. | gâgâredzu | to honk, cackle (goose) |
Roman. | gagaire | to honk (goose), to call etc. |
Russian | gaganog | Baikal Teal, 44a |
Pol. | gegnach | to creak |
Anc.Greek | gégona | to cry |
Germ.reg. | gägeler | Brambling, 433 |
Breton | gegin | Jay, 290 |
Germ.reg. | gäg, gäker | Jay, 290 |
Germ.reg. | heger, heer etc. | id. |
Germ. | häher | id. |
Germ.reg. | herrengäger | id. |
Germ.reg. | heergans, herrgans | Grey Heron, 118 |
Gael.I. | gog, gugail | goose cackle |
Gael.S. | guga, sgeigeir | goose, 27 |
Gael.I. | gogaille | goose, 27 |
Germ. reg. | holzgüggel | Black Woodpecker, 272 |
Germ. reg. | wassergückel | Coot, 138 |
Germ.reg. | gugler | Oriole, 296 |
Engl. | giggle | snicker, snigger |
Engl.reg. | giggler, jeegler | unfledged bird |
Germ.reg. | müsgiges | Wren, 406 |
Sbc. | gigusa | domestic hen, 2 |
Anc.Greek | gýgès | an unidentified bird |
Nederl. | gaggelen | to honk, cackle (goose) |
Engl. | gaggle | to honk, cackle (goose) |
Engl. | haggle | to bargain in a quibbling manner (not cognate to hag "cut") |
Germ.reg. | gâgag, gîgag | goose, 27 |
Franç. | gâgotte et var. | goose, 27 |
Franç.: Vassy | jajoitter | ricaner, FEW 22: 73 |
Franç.: Arlay | jajoux | bruit de poules quand on leur ouvre la porte, FEW 22: 14 |
Franç.: Démuins | gageoler | to warble |
Franç.: Châtenois | égajelâi | rire aux éclats, FEW 22: 70 |
Franç.:ChâtillonS. | diager | éclater de rire en parlant, FEW 22: 70 |
Franç.: Créancey | diageu | aboyer, FEW 22: 8 |
Franç.: Grde Lande | gaginardoun | gazouillis |
Ital.: Giud. | gaggiablina | Red-backed Shrike, 326 |
Ital.reg. | tordo gagian | Song Thrush, 339 |
Ital.: Cal. | gaggiana et var. | Black-headed Gull, 90 |
Franç.: Jersey | jadjin (faire) | agacer, taquiner, FEW 22: 71 |
Lettish | zadjinàt | to prattle |
Gael.I. | caígh | to lament |
Gael.I. | coigeadal | clamour, song |
Gael.S. | caig | rush of conversation |
Gael.I. | caig | Jackdaw, 285 |
Cymric | cegid | Jay, 290 |
Germ.reg. | käger | Jay, 290 |
Roman. | cehâi, cehnâi | to howl |
Roman. | ceahlau | Black Kite, 215 |
Hung. | csagolö | (Roman. substr.) to howl |
Engl. | cagmag | gander, 27 |
Franç.: St.Genis | cagot (sonô lo) | sonner creux, FEW 23: 201 |
Franç.: Elle | cagoulyai | produire un gazouillement, FEW 23: 202 |
Franç. | cajoler | to call, to sing (birds); to call like the Jay, 290: to cajole |
Franç.: ChefB. | cajo | interj. pour exciter un chien, FEW 22: 9 |
Franç.: Tholy | chajoy | criard, FEW 22: 63 |
Franç.:Vagney,Cleury | chajaye | id. |