| | |
Engl.: Scot. | wheep | make a shrill noise; Lapwing, 158 |
Engl. | weep | to cry |
Engl.reg. | wype | Lapwing, 158 |
Franç.nord | gouèpe | Song Thrush, 339 |
Esp. | guapear | to boast (of one's courage, one's clothes) |
Esp. | guapo | hardi etc.; full of ostentation; ostentatious, vain, spruce, neat |
Breton | goap | mockery, deceit |
Franç. | gouape | voyou |
Cymric | gwepia et var. | Kestrel, 234 |
Ital. | gheppio | Kestrel, 234 |
Germ.reg. | gîpen et var. | to peep (chick, 2) |
Norsk | vipi | Lapwing, 158 |
Svensk | vipa, hvipa | id. |
Icel. | vepja | id. |
Franç.: Norm. | vipi | id. |
Lat. | vipio | an unidentified bird, prob. the Lapwing |
Franç.rég. | viper | to shriek [whence vipère, viper, snake (causing |
people to shriek). No possible relation to Lat. vivere "to live" or parere "to bring forth". Viper is not a scholarly word and the people who gave its name did not know either Latin, nor the fact that this reptile is viviparous, which is in no way one a characteristic feature. See also vouivre, guivre ð5.23.9., and the following] |
Ital.: Piem. | gambeta viperina | Redshank, 174 |
Pol. | wieperz | pig |
Slk. | vípka | Song Thrush, 339 |
Ukr. | vyp | Black-headed Gull, 90 |
Franç.rég. | hipey | pousser des cris de joie, FEW 4: 418 |
Franç.rég. | hiper | appeller de loin |
Engl. | hip hip | call of sport players |
Engl. | hype | (diphtong.) swindle etc. may belong to this group. |
Esp.: Cast. | hipido | cri |
Esp. | hipar, jipar | tumult, noisy entertainment |
Anc.Greek | hippárion, hippalektron | unidentified birds |
Anc.Greek | hyperionís | a hawk (prob. the Black Kite, 115, from its neighing) |
Anc.Greek | hypotriórchès | a hawk (see preceding) |
Anc.Greek | hippè, sippè, sittè | Green Woodpecker, 270 |
Anc.Greek | hippos | horse |
Anc.Greekeol. | hikkos | id. |
Lat. | equus | id. |
Etr. | ikkas | id. |
Engl.reg. | hickymouse | Blue Tit, 391 |
Engl.reg. | equah, hickwaw | Green Woodpecker, 270 |
Engl.reg. | icwell | Great Northern Diver, 65 |
Engl.reg. | equal et var. | Green Woodpecker, 270 |
Franç.rég. | yégass | id. |
Franç: FR | éga | mare |
Anc.Greek | pègasos | (a borrowing, with prosth. /p/) winged horse |
Cat. | yegua | mare |
Esp. reg. | yeguacero | Green Woodpecker, 270 |
Esp. reg. | pájaro yeguero | Great Spotted Cuckoo, 262 |
Esp.: Mex. | yegua | Ruddy Duck, AM177 |
Esp.: Chile | yegua | Sooty Shearwater, Am104 |
Esp.Cub., Col., Ven. | yaguana | Black-bellied Tree Duck, AM169 |
Tokh. | yuk, yakwe | horse |
Gael.I. | each | horse (OE "eoh" horse is a misreading for O.Irish ech) |
Engl. | yuckfit | Common Snipe, 194 |
Germ.reg. | yokkein | Tawny Owl, 239 |
Germ.reg. | taljokel, holzjoggel | Brambling, 433 |
Germ.reg. | juchzen | to call, jubilate |
Mod.Greek | yácha | down with ! |
Mod.Greek | yóki | sandpipers, 180, 171 |
Anc.Greek | yachè | call |
Anc.Greek | ianchos | "call of the Bacchants" |
Sbc. | ikavac | Brambling, 433 |
Czech | jikavec, ikavec | id. |
Pol. | ikawiec | id. |
Gael.S. | éigh | cri |
Anc.Greek | iygè, iygma | cri |
Anc.Greek | iynx | certainly the Green Woodpecker, 270, v. hippè etc. above |
Mod.Greek | ixos | sound, noise, resounding |
Anc.Greek | ècho | sound, noise, > French écho, Engl. echo |
Germ.(OHG) | jehan | say, declare |
Breton | iez | language, Cymry (o.liter.) ieith id. |
Anc.Greek | iakchè | loud cry |
Skr. | yaksati | to revere |
Ombrian | iaku | request |
Engl.(slang) | yack | to chatter |
Germ.Lux. | jäkchen, gäcker | Whitethroat, 362 |
Germ. | gackeln, gackern | to cackle |
Ital.:V.Verzasca | iácom | domestic hen, 2 |
Ital.: Berg. | barbajàcom | Wren, 406 |
Ital. | giocolare | to joke, jester (giuoco game is of kinetic origine) |
Engl. | joke | gag, prank etc. |
Engl. | jockey | maquignonner, combiner |
Franç. | jacasser | parler d'une voix criarde; to call (Magpie, 288) |
Franç.rég. | jacasse et var. | Magpie, 288 |
Franç.rég. | jacarde | Fieldfare, 341 (cf. japaire, above) |
Franç.centre | iacrot | petit chien qui aboie; enfant qui crie, FEW 22: 8 |
Franç. | jacot | parrot, 260 |
Franç. | jaqueter | to chatter; to call (Magpie, 288) |
Sbc. | dzakati | to make noise |
Sbc. | dzagati | to chatter |
Czech | jekati | to clatter (teeth) |
Czech | jecevý | yelping |
Czech | jeceni | roar |
Lith. | zagata | Magpie, 288 |
Lettish | zagata | Magpie, 288 |
Lettish | zadjinàt | to chatter |