Les Cahiers de sciences naturelles, No. 2

Title: A Thesaurus of Bird Names. Etymology of European lexis through paradigms

Volume I: The names of birds. 1246 pages. Volume II. The paradigms. 1286 pages

Michel Desfayes, 1927-


Key words:

Lexicology, dialectology, etymology; ornithology:

names of birds of Europe and the Middle East

Indo-European languages

Ancient languages

Modern language groups: Celtic, Romance, Slavic, Germanic, Albanian, Greek, Iranian, Basque, Hamito-Semitic, Caucasian

Latin American and Amerindian languages

Conception, page setting:

Jean-Claude Praz, Saillon, Switzerland


Calligraphy, Sierre


Imhof, Sion


Pierrette Lega, Sion


Published with the support of

Foundation Dr. Ignace Mariétan, Sion


La Murithienne, Société valaisanne de sciences naturelles, Sion


État du Valais, Conseil de la culture, Sion


Swiss Academy of Sciences, Bern


Délégation valaisanne à la Loterie romande, Sion


Nos oiseaux, Société romande pour l'étude et la protection des


oiseaux, Neuchâtel



Illustrations (CD-ROM)

Walter Linsenmaier, Paul Barruel. Museum of Natural History,


La Chaux-de-Fonds.



Bird songs

Jean C. Roché, 1990. Tous les oiseaux d'Europe. 4 audio CDs.


Sittelle, rue des Jardins, F-38710 Mens, France.


© Word processing:

Epsitec S.A., Lausanne: Michael Walz;


Jean-Marie Rouiller, Martigny


© CD-Rom Development

Icare Institut, Technopôle, 3960 Sierre - Switzerland


© Cover: The Wren

Robert Hainard, Bernex, Geneva


© 1999

Musée cantonal d?Histoire naturelle


La Murithienne, Société valaisanne de Sciences naturelles, Case


postale 2244, CH-1950 Sion 2N, Switzerland

ISSN 1420-4223

ISBN 2-88426-021-8 (ISBN 2-88426-025-0 French edition )

Author's address: rue de Prévent, CH-1926, Fully, Switzerland. E-mail: mdesfaye@omedia.ch

Manufactured in Switzerland, 1999.