The CD-ROM edition of the "Thesaurus of bird names" is illustrated with the plates of Walter Linsenmaier and Paul Barruel from the book:

Géroudet, Paul,1966. Les oiseaux nicheurs d'Europe. Editions Silva, Zurich, 4 volumes.


The user of this thesaurus will find illustrations and distribution maps for most species in the following field guides. Some of them are currently available in all the major languages of Western Europe:

Heinzel, H., R. Fitter & J. Parslow. 1972. The birds of Britain and Europe with North Africa and the Middle East. Collins, London

Hollom, P.A.D., R.F. Porter, S. Christensen & Ian Willis, 1988. Birds of the Middle East and North Africa. Poyser Ltd., Calton, England.

Heinzel, H., R. Fitter & J. Parslow. Oiseaux d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient. Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel.

Jonsson, L.. 1992. The birds of Europe, North Africa and Middle East. Christopher Helm, London.

Jonsson, L. 1994. Les oiseaux d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient. Nathan, Paris.

Perrins , C. & D. Attenborough, 1987. Birds of Britain and Europe. London.

Peterson, R., G. Mountford & P. Hollom. A field guide to the birds of Britain and Europe. Collins, London.

Peterson, R.,G. Mountford, P. Hollom & P. Geroudet. Guide des oiseaux d'Europe. Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel.

Porter, R.F., S. Christensen, & P. Schiermacker-Hansen, 1996. Field guide to the birds of the Middle East. Poyser Ltd., London, Academic Press Inc., San Diego, California.

(See also Peterson, R.T. et al. in Bibliography "Other languages").

More precise maps can be found in the following publication:

Harrison, Colin, 1982. An Atlas of the birds of the western Palaearctic. Collins, London

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