Torda est un nom norvégien signifiant "excrément". L'oiseau est ainsi nommé parce que les falaises où il niche sont blanchies d'excréments.- Haftorn, p.843.
Gael.I. Crosán. (crosán has also been attributed to the Guillemot, 75); appears to be cognate to crosach "black-faced, dirty-faced".- cuiltreachan, coltraighe, duibhéan.
Gael.S. Coltraiche.- coltair, gob-e-choltair, caltag, coltair-cheannach, colcair, colcach, colcoch, colgair, colgach, calcach, golk (-), colc Hebr., coltraiche, coltrachan, conntrachan, conntraigheachan, con-traigheachan, conntachan, comhdachan, comudachan, comudachil (i.e. "coulter" from the shape of its bill).- làmhaid St.Kilda, langhaidh Barra, langach S. Uist (làmhaid is also a hatchet), alc, alca, falc, falcag (from scand., see Engl.), sgoilm, dubh-eunach, dui'eunach (not dubh-suineach).-coltrag Manx.
[sgrab = Shearwater, 111; kion-vreck = Puffin, 73]
Cymry Llurs.- llurs, llwrs, llursen, carfil helegug ð4.1.4.5.- gwalch y penwaig ("predator of herrings"), adery brith (pied bird), y carfil gylfinddu (black bill), poethwy; bili dwcca (< Engl.).
Breton here Molène, houad berr-askell.
Engl. Razorbill.- razorbill is a modern art. name.- coulterneb Devon, Suss. Nhb., Antrim, Islandmagee, Farne I. couterneb Carrickfergus, sea-coulter Scot. cooter Scot..: Gamrie cootrie Caithness ("cutter bill").- alk Scot., auk n.Engl., Nhb., York., sea-auk York., oke Ork., Shetl., falk Hebr., faik Hebr., Scot., Shetl., (not fraik); from scand. alka,alke, locally with prosth. /f/; several etymologies have been proposed, none satisfactorily. Scand. hals "ocean" it not characteristic of this sole species. Hantsch, 1905, writes: "Nach Faber deutet das wort auf den langsamen gang des vogels"; this is certainly not a characteristic of the bird. ON alka "neck" can be ruled out as meaningless as a bird name. The name is of acoustic origin ð5.12.1..- fealty Nhb., parrot-billed willock, parrot-billed willy Suss., Wilt., for willyð4.5.4..- sea-parrot Islandmagee, parrot e.York., blackbird n.Donegal, sea-blackbird Pemb., fry-bird Donaghadee, spreckle-bird Man, scout Scot., scoot Nhb., Scot., Donegal, cutty Antrim, Down, Belfast Lough, Donegal (see No. 57, Engl.), tinkershere Suss.
[mackerel-gull = Herring Gull, 81; row = Guillemot, 74; red-neb,bridle-neb,guldenhead = Puffin,73]
Isl . Álka.- klumba, klumbunefja (= Keule); brumbnefja Westl. (= Balken), drunnefja Westl., arin-nefja (= Adlernase), horn nefja, skellinefja, kofað4.4.13..- lundi, lundakofa, hringlangnefja, hringvía (= ring(bill); prestr (priest), prófastr (professor), Lundprofastr; svartfugl (coll.).
Norsk Alke.- klubbalke, brednebbet alke, klonse Vest-Agder, lunde, lunne.
Svensk Tordmule.- alle Öland, alka ð5.12.1..- tord, törd, mule, mulgrissla, tordmula, turrmula, torrmule, tormula, turemule, tårrk-mäulå, torkmäula, tjockmule, tvärmule, tärvismjulo, tårrmul, morr, trubbe, trubbalka, klunsalka, klumpalka, sillalka, brednäbbad alka, mårro, skarri.
Dansk Alk.- alk, søalk, skomar (-), allike Vendsyssel, Læsø, aalge ð5.12.1..- vangebo, mula, mule Bornh., marsvinfugl Lillebælt, Stubbekøbing, papegøje Vendsyssel, Stubbekøbing , søjpoppelgoja Bornh., søpapegøje Fejø, Bornh., papegøjand, karen kræmmer Agger, pi ajsen Vendsyssel, perdrik VFyn , sildedrikker, sildedukker, -dykker Gilleleje, havrenar Bøtø, ringvia, hringvia; álka, nakkalange, urdnakona Faroe.
Nederl . Alk.- alk wfries., jonge papegaaiduker.
Deutsch Tordalk.- alk, alik ð5.12.1..- tordalk, korrick, dogger (Winter) Helg., papageitaucher, scheerschnabel, schmesserschnäbbler, wasserschnabel, merresshnäbler, möwenschnabel, klubulk ð4.2.12.2..- eisalk, holländisch duw, elsteralk, heisteralk (for elster "black and white" ð3.4.2.3.).
Franç. Petit Pingouin.- martina Nice, magron Nice (métathèse de margon "plongeur"), papagau de mar Nice, bliu poffin Jersey (< angl.), bec tranchant livr., trad. de l'angl. razorbill.pingouinière "colonie de pingouins ou autres Alcidés" (néologisme).
[gassamarina = Huîtrier, 155; gode,beduin = Macareux, 73]
Prov. Martinot.- beduinð4.5.18..- martinot (coll.) ð6.3.4..
Cat. Gavot.- cauet Val., Vinarós, Altea, cahuet Val., gavot, cabot Cat. ð4.4.1.2..- pingdai Men., Mall., Mahón, pescador, ànec de mar.
Basque Pottorro.- pottorro G rép., B, L, potzorro B, potorro B: Lekeitio, L, potioro B.Pyr., kotorra B: Ondarroa, potorro, potorra, G pottor, pothorra, kottorro, kotorro ð4.6.20..- ollate, < esp. olla "pot arrondi".
Esp. Alca. (du nom sc.), aleta Canar., pour ses courtes ailes; gallareta de mar Mal., Sanlûcar (prob. Frailecillo, 73), bolaquento Gal.: Ribeira, arao bolarquento Gal.: Escarabote ð4.5.1..- pájaro bobo ð4.6.13..- arau do patelo Gal.: Cariño, araxo do patexo Gal.: Bares, prob. pour ses grosses pattes; busaco Gal.: Lira, Carril, Portosín (coll. ð10.1.3.), arao portujés Cambados.
[morro,romo,ñopeiro,araxodamascada = Frailecillo, 73; sanmartiño = Martin pescador, 267; gallo,galo mariño, pescado = poisson dont le nom est aussi galomarino; voir aussi No. 73, esp.; rulín est prob. une mouette; carolo = Arao, 74]
Port. Torda mergulheira.- (torda est un calque du nom sc.), arau de bico rombudo.
Ital. Gazza marina. (en réalité un nom de l'Huîtrier pie, 155).- nasone Nap. (pour son gros bec), dottore Cagliari (pour son habit noir et blanc), edera Sirac., Augusta, summuzaturi Mess.
[sumbuzzeddu,sanguzarello,tuffetto,sottanello = Tuffetto,70; magrun,marguni = Marangone, 105; gazzamarina,picamarina = Beccaccia di mare, 155]
Tch. Alka malá.- toporka ð4.4.12..
Pol. Alka krzywonos. (livr.)
Russe Gagarka.- (nord).
Lit. Alka.
Lette Alks.
H.Sem. bu-drihima Maur.