k-f Convex on concave things, choses concaves ou convexes, Pok. 591 (see also k-p, k-f pointed) |
Arabic | quffa | basket |
Basque | kofa | tree hollow |
Engl.(o.liter.) | cofa | room |
Alb. | kofë | basket |
Mod.Greek | kófo | id. |
Bulg. | kofa, kova | (Sbc. id.) basket |
Roman. | cofâ | cube, a measure for wood |
Span. | cofa | measure of capacity |
Ital. | coffa | id. |
Ital.: Cal. | cuffa | straw basket |
Ital.: Cal. | cuffici | willow warblers, 384, 385 (spherical nest) |
Ital.: Cal. | cofina | round and deep basket |
Franç.: Poitou | coffin | kind of basket |
Engl. | coffin | casket |
Alb. | koffer | chest, box |
Mod.Greek | koufaro | id. |
Roman. | cufâr | id. |
Sbc. | kufer | (Pol. id.) chest, box |
Germ. | koffer | chest, box |
Germ.s.o. | kuffe, kuoffe | bowl |
Germ.: Suisse | chueffen | id. |
Germ. | haufe | heap |
Germ. | hof | court, enclosure, etc. |
Germ. | huf | hoof |
Engl. | hoof | horny covering of some animals' feet |
Dutch | hoofd | head |
Svensk | huvud | head |
O.Frisian | haved | head |
M. Engl. | heved, hed | head |
Engl. | head | head |
Germ.(mha) | kuffe, kuppe | headdress |
Franç.: Mâcon | chufe | Hoopoe, 263 |
Franç.: Lorr. | cofer | boursoufler |
Ukr. | kovpania | Crested Lark, 299 |
Roman. | cóif | casque |
Franç. | coiffe, coiffure | head hair, hat |
Gallego | coifa, cofia | kind of headdress |
Lat. | cofanus | Spatule, 129 (from its nuchal tuft) |
Prov.: Alpes-Mar. | couïfat | Lapwing, 158 |
Franç.: Béarn. | couhira | Lapwing, 158 |
Franç.: Béarn. | couhirou | chignon |