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Gael.I. Lach dubh.- scótar (calque of Engl. scoter).

Gael.S. Lach dubh.- lach dubh, tannag dubh, lach mhara dubh.

Cymry Môr-hwyaden ddu.- hwyaden ddu, hwyas fôr, cwm ebril.

Breton houad-mor, kanig-mor, kanig-du.

Engl. Common Scoter.- scoter, scooter (-), black scoter Suss., Dmf., Fermanagh, scoot c.Scot.; Lockwood in Zeitsch.f.AnglistikundAmerikanistik 14: 292-293, 1966, takes scoter to be a misprint for a hypothetical "sooter duck", from soot. However, the name scoter and var. have been attested several times. The supposition of a misprint appears to be but an easy way to evade the question - and a thorough search. The names can logically be linked to the verb scoot "to dart, to skitter, to skim rapidly over the water (of birds)", to skite "move quickly", ON skjota "to dart", a reference to the rapid flight of these sea-ducks, guillemots and razorbills as they scoot over the surface of water or surf, in characteristic fashion ð6.3.23..- surf-duck Scot., black duck Suff., Suss., Som., Dors., Cumb., n.Engl., s.Scot., Ire.: Lough Erne, Belfast Lough, velvet duck, black diver Nhb., black wigeon Coleraine, sea-duck Nrf., mussel-duck Nrf., Ire., sea-hen Nhb., whilk (-).

Isl . Hrafns-önd. (wegen der schwarzen Farbe).

Norsk Svartand.- fjelland, fjeillånd, orr-ånn Oppl., klubbnebbsvorta Tr., kulnebbsvorta Nordl., svasla (-).

Svensk Sjöorre.- årr, art-bonde ?, börra orr, örr, örra, börjande, hav(s)orre, vattenorre ð5.2.24.- svärta, svartand, småsvärta, lillsvärta, svartal, havre, svarthavre, blistersvärta, gråbus, pjuk, pipare, doppand.

Dansk Sortand.- sortand, sort dykand, små sorte, svartand, sværte(n), sortepuber, sort himmelhund, palle jægers hunde, kong volmers jagt, lille runddykker, gyvfugl, flynderfugl, makreland, havkrage,. Faroe: kolont. [knopand = Hvinand]

Nederl . Zwarte Zee-eend.- raafeend, kalientopper, zeetopper, zwarte knob(be); knöbbel sédúker, zwarte eend, swarte mar-ein, swarte dûker, swarte sédûker, swarte dûkelein wfries., zeekoet flam.

Deutsch Trauerente.- knobbed? , bühre@ Helg., swarte seeant Borkum, papst Flensburg, torffenten alten Pommerland, entenweisskehlchen (juv.), weissbackenente,trauerente, trauertauchente, mohrente, mohrenente, muschelkönig.

Franç. Macreuse noire. (macreuse est un nom du Canard garrot, 54, et de la Foulque, 138), mouclier (-), cane mouclière Quiberon; mouclière ou moulière est un lieu où l'on pêche les moules (FEW 6: 262); cf. aussi l'angl. mussel-duck.mourette, cane maurette Norm., grand molleton Anjou, Noirmoutier, négrasso Gard, canar négré Nice, Gard, curé Gasc.

[sourbère = Cormorant, 105]

Prov. Negret.- negre, canar negre, negrasso. [saucret = Cormorant, 105]

Cat. Anec negre.- morell de mar Val., negreta.

Basque Ate-beltz.- ate-beltz, atabeltza, murgilari, murgil-aate.

Esp. Negrón comûun.- pato negro Mal., can de marso (?)Gal.: Sardiñeiro,

[tretela = Cerceta carretona, 43]

Port. Pato negro.- negra, negrola Aveiro, negrella (-), bûsio Aveiro ð10.1.3..- passaro de figo Póvoa do Varzim ð3.4.9.1..- farraguso Sagres, feruco Portimã, ferrusco (-) ð3.2.45..- pato do mar.

Ital. Orchetto marino.- orco marin, orchéto marin, Ven., orcu marin L.Varese ð5.18.8..- nadra nêgra Mod., nedròt neghèr Bresc., annia negra Gen., moritên Rav., margoun picoûl L.Maggiore, cherzo Pol., cherzo nero Ven. ð4.6.1..- fulegûna Manerbio (augm. de fûlega, 138).

[indiana = Anitra muta, 39]

R.Rom. Anda guaivda.

Roum. Ratâ neagrâ.- ratâ cerntâ.

Grec Mavrópapia.

Alb. Rosa e zezë.

Bulg. Traurna patiça.

Sbc. Patka crna.- crni turpan (art.), pogrobnica (endeuillé, une trad. de l'all. Trauerente).

Tch. Turpan cerný.- cernoSka.

Slk. Turpan cierny.

Pol. Kaczka czarna.- wëglica (charbonnier), uhla, uchla ð5.18.4..- markaczka czarna (art., markaczka = Gägol, 54), mórka h.sorabe (de mer).

Ukr. Sin'ga.- cernjank; sin'ga (livr., voir russe), gapka ð5.15.3..

Russe Sin'ga.- sin'ga Ob (cf. ostiak syng, vogul sangi.-cernuxa Gorki, morskaja cern Poset, cernavka, cernyj antka, morskaja cernet.

Lit. Juodoji antis.

Lette Melna pile.

Iran Ordak-e siàh.

H.Sem. burk el-bahr Maurit.

Malte Borka sewda.

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