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10.1.3 b-s (< b-th Listen 10.1.1 ) "Depth"; "profondeur". To dive by going deep - Plonger en allant profond

Anc.Greekbyssósdepth, Pok. 465 ð4.5.21.; bythós bottom
Anc.Greekbýssaa water bird
Franç.abysseSpan. abismo chasm
l.56sobissareto dive, to sink, ML 56
Ital.: Cal., Sard.busciudiving ducks, 48-50
Ital.: Tosc.bosciodiving ducks, 48-50
Ital.reg.busion, boussounGreat Crested Grebe, 66
Ital.reg.sbuzzo, sbozzavalgrebes, 66-70 (+ val "low lying region, marshes")
Ital.: Sard.abuzzigaditagrebes, 66-70
Span.: S. Amer.buzodiving birds; Venezuela buzo grebes
Span.reg.alambuzo, tirabuzóngrebes, 66-70
Span.bucearto dive
GalicebusacoPuffin, 73
Galice: Porto do SonbusiarroqueGuillemot, 74
Port.bûsiodiving ducks, 48-57
Prov.bois, bouissédiving ducks, 48-57
Franç.: Morb.builediving ducks, 48-57
Anc.Greekboýnx(return via Prov.) diving ducks, 48-57

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