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10.1.2 f-t, f-nd (nasalisation romane) "fond". To dive by going towards the bottom - Plonger en allant vers le fond

Gael.I.fothraigdepth; plunge, dip, bathe
Gael.I.fût, fûithi, faoiunder
Gael.S.faoithean, faochgrebes 66-70; divers 63-65
Alb.futento dive, (v. 10.1.1)
Mod.GreekfótitsaCoot, 138
Anc.Greekeáphthèit flows
Roman.afoundáto dive; Little Grebe, 70
Roman.cufundarto dive; Great Crested Grebe, 66-70; divers, 63-65
Ital.: Piem.ania fundadiving ducks, 48-54; Pal. anatra fungiuta id.
Franç.fondre (sur la proie)to swoop down on its prey, Cf. foncer, hereunder
Franç.fondreto swoop down on its prey; for fondre un métal, to smelt, cf. Ital. mergere, Engl. mergeð10.11.1.
Port.fundujo, fundeirogrebes, 66-70
GalicefondónCoot, 138; Span. hondón id.
Port.afundar, chafundarto dive
Ital.affundareto dive
Franç.(a.litt.)afonderto dive
Prov.afondreto dive
Span.afondar, ahondarto dive
Franç.oc.prefundráto dive
Franç.oc.founsato dive
Franç.foncerto bottom, to sink, to swoop down
Mod.Greekpontízoto submerge
Mod.Greekpontikósmouse (live in holes: under)
Anc.Greekpóntossea: deep
Lat.subfondo(see ML 8600)
Ital.: Nap.zuffunoabysse
Ital.: Cal.suffunareto submerge
Lat.fundereto submerge
Span.hondónCoot, 138
Roman.hodâ(via Hung. hóda, itself from pre-magyar substr.) Coot, 138
Alb.fundbottom, end, etc. (> finir: get to the end)
Engl.endGerm. ende (not from anti "opposite" - as in Klein; an end is not an opposite in any way). The place of this word here is tentative; cf. preceding word
Alb.fundosI dive
Ital.: b. Lomb.caccia-fóndGreat Crested Grebe, 66, (caccia = chaucher ð4.1.2.)
Ital.: Parm.fondènGreat Crested Grebe, 66
Roman.fondacGreat Crested Grebe, 66; divers, 63-65
Sbc.fendakCormorant, 105
Ital.: Pugl.fónacaCoot, 138, ML 269
Ital.fólaga et var.(Span. id.) Coot, 138
Franç.foulqueCoot, 138
Ital.: Sic.foggiaid.
Ital.: TIfôlar, fularid.
Ital.: Bresc.fulighìet var.Great Crested Grebe, 66

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