| | |
Franç.: Sol. | pinson maillé | Brambling, 433 |
Franç.: Québec | maillet | Ring-necked Duck |
Franç.rég. | maillar, malart | also canardmaillé etc. Mallard, 40 |
Engl. | mallard | Mallard, 40. The explanation for this word as |
being the name of the male duck "because it is the most common duck" is evidently not acceptable. Mallard originally designated the male, because only the male possesses the character that deserved its epithet, namely the vermiculations (French mailles) |
Franç.rég. | maillaird, pilet maillé | Pochard, 50 (vermiculated back) |
Franç.: Yonne | maillasse | Red-backed Shrike,326 |
Ital.: Friuli | majàs | Pochard, 50 |
Lettish | majas pile | Mallard ? , 40 |
Franç. | maille | stitch, knit: boucle de textile dont l'ensemble forme un dessin |
Franç.(fauc.) | mailles (se couvrir de) | se couvrir de taches (faucon, perdreau) |
Franç.(fauc.) | émaillures | tache du plumage des oiseaux de vol |
Franç.:Hérém. (VS) | màye | fleur; Bagnes màye de mai primevère |
Gael.I. | maise | ornament, beauty |
Breton | maeiñ | to adorn |
Breton | mae | to bloom |
Prov. | maia | to bloom |
Esp. | mayo | franç. mai, le mois où la nature s'émaille, cf. maggioð3.6.20. |
Esp. | mayo | flecked |
Franç.: Liège | pimàye | Great Spotted Woodpecker, 273 |
R.Rom. | gialet da mai | Hoopoe, 263 |
Esp.: Huesca | mallada | a spotted cow (not related to Lat. macula; pour ce mot ð3.6.21.) |
Esp.: Canar. | meada | a spotted cow |
Galice | malló mallón | immature gull, 81 |
Franç.: Gasc. | malhoun | immature gull, 81; Golden Plover, 161 |
Port. | malhorco | immature gull, 81 |
Port. | malha-ferreiro | Great Tit, 390 |
Port. | malhado | flecked, spotted |
Port. | pêto malhado | Great Spotted Woodpecker, 273 |
Prov. | maiado | flecked |
Franç. | mayonnaise | a sauce made of various ingredients (not from Mahón a town of the Baleares) |
Franç.: Barège | mayota | a cow with a black head |
Franç.: Seine-Inf. | maillotin | sand plover, 163,164 |
Franç. | maillot | vêtement fait d'un ensemble de mailles |
Franç.: Charavines | mayola | Brambling, 433 |
Franç.: Côte d'Or | maiola | oeuf de Pâques peint, FEW 23: 162 |
Ital.: Sard. | mayola | ladybug |
Ital.: VAlt. | passer majareu | Brambling, 433 |
Franç.: Lallé | maierouna | White Wagtail, 313 |
Franç.rég. | malherenga | White Wagtail, 313 |
Cat. | mallerenga, marllenga | Great Tit, 390 |
Franç.: Gasc. | melhengo et var. | id. |
Franç.rég. | malange, mélange etc. | id. |
Franç.: VS | mayintse et var. | id. |
Sbc. | majast | (Romance substr.) variegated |
Slk. | majovka | Barn Owl, 238 |