2.2.20 ARABIC - ARABE |
Most names after ad-Dimiri, except for Tunisian localities. Egyptian names from ForsskÅl
abu-abab, Eg.
abu-amai, Eg.
bu-haovan, Eg.
abu-khaffieS, Eg. "a wintering bird"
abu-l-Henn, Lebanon
abul-husn, "a bird from Andalousia"
abu-jaràdah = bàdhinjàn (in Iraq) = bàSir (in Syria)
abul-malih = sifrid
abu-riSa Eg. (a bird having tufts of feathers, see No. 400c)
abu-Sutk, Eg., a water bird
abu-zaqàyah, Eg.
abu-z`èr, Iraq s.: Mádàn "the smallest of all birds"
abu-saraga, Eg.
abu-savade, Eg. a seed-eater
agthrar "a varicoloured water bird with a long neck "
afritlháyyat, Eg. "diabolus muralis"
akhyal, Eg.
akhal, Eg., a summer bird; also attributed to the Hooded Crow (which is a winter bird in Egypt)
akhras, Eg.
a'war, "a bird that pecks at camels sores"
asfuras-sarsàr, "a kind of sparrow"
asfuras-sawk, (of the thorns) "a bird mentioned by Aristoteles" therefore it is a translation
asfurildsianne, Eg. "bird of paradise"
bàdhinjan, Iraq = abu-jaràdah
asfaretemosettin, Eg., a small black seed-eater
bagàth,bigàth,bugàth, "a dust-coloured bird, smaller than the Egyptian Vulture, 199, does not capture its prey"
bahramàn, "a small bird"
barà, voir burà
bàsir, Syrie, see abu-jaràdah
báss, Eg.
belgàsembeddkhif, Tun.: Marazig "a wade with white and black wings, white bill, pink legs "
bellasium, Eg.
blèqi, Lebanon "a black and white bird seen in the beginning of summer and emigrating before the big heat"
boSoka, Eg.
bu-habhàt, `Akkàra
buehl, Eg., a thrush ?
bu-zràda, Tun.: Marazig "a varicoloured wader"
bujj, "a water bird"
burà = samwil
buraej, Eg., a summer visitor, feeds on grape
bylbye, Eg. "a red bird, larger than the pigeon "
dajj "a water bird the size of the pigeon, good flesh"
dagmuS, Eg.
dellad, Eg. "a varicoloured bird"
derja, Eg., a winter visitor
dukhal, "a small dust-coloured bird, perches on palms and trees"
dururi, Eg.
dwêkal-jabal, Lebanon "a multicoloured bird"
dymluj, Eg.: Tehama
farkhablia, Eg. "diaboli proles spuria" (farkha = tourterelle)
fawl, "a bird with red legs, white or black head"
gatgát, Eg.
gudàf, "a small ashy bird", "summer crow". Also means "long black hair"
hájef, Eg., a wintering seed-eater
himme, Eg.
hememàtel-hind, Eg.
humail-hurr,himail-hurr, "a well-known bird"
jaraja, Eg., a summer visitor
kalabesi, Eg., a summer visitor
kàsiral-`idàm, liter. "a bird that feeds the young (of eagles etc.) without parents = mukallafah (ou kukallafah ?)
kalb-eddao, Tun.: Marazig "a bird known for its barking call"
katum = sàfir
kettàr, Eg.
khaddàhj, Eg., a fish-eating bird
khathaq, "a bird that lives in China or in Babylon, according to Aristoteles (ad-Dimiri)
khàtifdilbihi, "a passerine"
khliS, Eg.
khalanbuS, "smaller than the sparrow"
khoffaS, Eg. = abukhaffieS ( a bat ?)
khirSanah, "larger than the pigeon"
khurrak, "a passerine"
kisye, Eg.
kota, Eg.
ma'sàsa, Palest., a hawk
meduàs, Eg.
meharred, Eg. "holci feminibus vectitat", a bird whose young is called mekfaS
msarràra, Eg. "crepitans ut horologium: pilens vespere ca horam 9"
mukallafah = kàsiral-`idàm
mukkà'at, Middle East. "a desert dwelling bird"
mulà'ibdillihi = rafràf
n'àr, Lebanon "a small brown bird"
nuqa, Palmyre, a hawk
nurír, Eg.
ommtraitiS, Eg.
qerqfän, Syria or Lebanon
raáSa,rhaS, Eg. "reddish, granivorous, the size of a pigeon"
rabàH, "dust-coloured bird, red wings and back, feeds on grape"
ralka, Eg. a bird of prey
rafràf = mulà'ibdillihi
rahdun, "birds like the sparrow, brown, walks in circles in large numbers in the sacred mosque " (= prob. the pilgrims !)
rhaS, Eg. = raáSa
sa'f "a small bird"
saHnun,suHnun, "a bird from Morocco, very intelligent"
sa`wat,sa`wah, Middle East. "a bird like the sparrow with a red head "
sawway, Palmyre
sedagha, Eg. a green bird
seloa, Eg.
sifrid, a bird like the sparrow = abul-malih
slenj, "a small bird with pretty colours wintering in the mountains of Lebanon"
smírri, Eg.
bu-sway, Lebanon"a snake eater"
siyábyeb, Tun.: Hawwàya, Meddnin, a bird known for its cry
subad "a bird with a black plumage"
soghátt, Eg., a summer visitor
surad, Eg. a yellow, granivorous bird larger than the pigeon
sanig, Eg.
Saranba "a well-known desert-dwelling bird"
Sarnàn "a pied water bird small than the stork, short legs,
Suhrur "a songbird the size of a sparrow" (prob. the Blackbird)
Sunqub "a well-known bird"
tfàhi, Eg.
tiflik "a water bird"
titawà "a bird mentioned by Aristoteles" (ad-Dimiri)
tulläk, Eg.: Djebbal, an insectivorous bird
umm`ajlàn "a well-known bird"
unan "a blackish bird with a collar like a pigeon, beak like the pigeon's, red legs"
yaHbur "a water bird"
yarà't, Middle-East
yosà, East Syriac "a large bird of the lake shore
zulbweda,zulbweda, Tun.: Marazig "a common small bird with a light plumage, dark bill"