Previous PageNext Page Base b-s Bay, pale

Arabicbayazwhite (Turkish beyaz is a borrowing; the Turkish term is ak)
Skr.bhaslight, splendour
Kurdishbazblack and white, boz "grey"
KurdishbàzyàrWhite Wagtail, 313
Kurdishghalà-bàzdaHooded Crow, 281
Esp.bazode color amarillento; also "spleen"
Esp.: Arag.bauzobay
Gael.I.béas(o.liter.) beige
Engl.baizea kind of tan fabric
Ital.: Vercellibasan (s dolce)colour of unripe rice (which is of a rusty yellow colour)
Ital.: Ligur.bazanâPied wheatear, 350
Franç.basanésun tanned
Franç.bauçan(a.litt.) tanned
Franç.: VDbaosanspotted
Franç.: Nendaz(VS)bousá, bousanáspotted (cows)
Franç.: reg.botzardàvariegated, FEW 1: 582
Franç.:Hérémence,VSboussan.nablack or red cow with white forehead
Prov.basaret(a.litt.) bay
Ital.: ReggioC.baSra (crapa)white and black goat
Franç.: Albertvillebâstolliá(sheep) with a black spot on muzzle
Esp.: Murciabasto (paloma)pigeon of undefined colour
ArabicbaSruSFlamingo, 24

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