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Anc.Greekaithiopsnegro, negro slave
Franç.rég.tiau (être à)(Moiremont, Neuville) sans lumière
Anc.GreekaythyaTufted Duck, 48
Mod.Greek: Pontosaithaid.
Mod.Greekefyia, ofýiaid.
Anc.Greekaithaloeisblackened with soot
Anc.GreekAithaleueslocality in Mesenia (Palmer, p. 210).
Anc.GreekAithaleisDoric tribe of Crete (Palmer)
Anc.GreekOitaloslocality on the golf of Mesenia (Homer, Iliade 2, 585)
Anc.GreekAitoliaisland of Elba ("à cause des nuages de fumée qui s'échappaient des meules de coal" - W. Keller)
Anc.GreekItaliolocality of Hekatea (= Calabria). The preceding
toponymes appear thus to be "places blackened by fire". Belonging to this group is Italia whose habitual etymology vitullus "big veal" is devoid of any logic
GaliceatillónGreek influx) chestnut colour
Galiceatillonachestnut-coloured pigeon
Engl.: Scot.attealcoll. name for divings ducks, most of them being dark-coloured (cf. Russian cern, French morillon, Engl. black-duck etc., all coll.), teal, atteileTufted Duck, 48 (prob. coll.)
Engl.teala name attributed to "small ducks" which often
refers not only to the small surface ducks but also to the small diving ducks; the confusion has occured in other languages. In the present case it is clear that the name applies to the diving-ducks, which are mostly dark-coloured, and especially the Tufted Duck, 48, the commonest species. As a name for Anasquerquedula or A.crecca, it has no possible etymology
Scand.attelingTufted Duck, 48
DutchtalingTufted Duck, 48
Alb.thellëzë et var.Rock Partridge, 17
Anc.Greektholerósmurky, dirty
Franç.:Norm.taliardsale, FEW 23: 189
Franç.: Norm.talboternoircir, salir FEW 23: 49 et 186
Franç.: Cauxenteulaisalir, FEW 23: 189, 257
Franç.: Ceignesatœlíéteindre, FEW 23: 49
Franç.(a.litt.)estalleürenoirâtre, basané, FEW 23: 186
Franç.: SRtollhonfemme sale, FEW 23: 191
Franç.: Fimeusteulèbrun-noir, FEW 23: 186
Franç.: Fraizeteulèrassombrir (temps), FEW 23: 184
Bretontoulenbrume. Ces termes de base t-l apparemment grecque indiquent que des peuplades grecs se sont établies dans les régions sus-nommées

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