| | |
Anc.Greek | aithós | black |
Anc.Greek | aithiops | negro, negro slave |
Franç.rég. | tiau (être à) | (Moiremont, Neuville) sans lumière |
Anc.Greek | aythya | Tufted Duck, 48 |
Mod.Greek: Pontos | aitha | id. |
Mod.Greek | efyia, ofýia | id. |
Anc.Greek | aithalè | soot |
Anc.Greek | aithaloeis | blackened with soot |
Anc.Greek | Aithaleues | locality in Mesenia (Palmer, p. 210). |
Anc.Greek | Aithaleis | Doric tribe of Crete (Palmer) |
Anc.Greek | Oitalos | locality on the golf of Mesenia (Homer, Iliade 2, 585) |
Anc.Greek | Aitolia | island of Elba ("à cause des nuages de fumée qui s'échappaient des meules de coal" - W. Keller) |
Anc.Greek | Italio | locality of Hekatea (= Calabria). The preceding |
toponymes appear thus to be "places blackened by fire". Belonging to this group is Italia whose habitual etymology vitullus "big veal" is devoid of any logic |
Galice | atillón | Greek influx) chestnut colour |
Galice | atillona | chestnut-coloured pigeon |
Engl.: Scot. | atteal | coll. name for divings ducks, most of them being dark-coloured (cf. Russian cern, French morillon, Engl. black-duck etc., all coll.) |
Engl.reg. | tel, teal, atteile | Tufted Duck, 48 (prob. coll.) |
Engl. | teal | a name attributed to "small ducks" which often |
refers not only to the small surface ducks but also to the small diving ducks; the confusion has occured in other languages. In the present case it is clear that the name applies to the diving-ducks, which are mostly dark-coloured, and especially the Tufted Duck, 48, the commonest species. As a name for Anasquerquedula or A.crecca, it has no possible etymology |
Scand. | atteling | Tufted Duck, 48 |
Dutch | taling | Tufted Duck, 48 |
Alb. | thellë | dark |
Alb. | thellëzë et var. | Rock Partridge, 17 |
Anc.Greek | tholerós | murky, dirty |
Franç.:Norm. | taliard | sale, FEW 23: 189 |
Franç.: Norm. | talboter | noircir, salir FEW 23: 49 et 186 |
Franç.: Caux | enteulai | salir, FEW 23: 189, 257 |
Franç.: Ceignes | atœlí | éteindre, FEW 23: 49 |
Franç.(a.litt.) | estalleüre | noirâtre, basané, FEW 23: 186 |
Franç.: SR | tollhon | femme sale, FEW 23: 191 |
Franç.: Fimeu | steulè | brun-noir, FEW 23: 186 |
Franç.: Fraize | teulèr | assombrir (temps), FEW 23: 184 |
Breton | toulen | brume. Ces termes de base t-l apparemment grecque indiquent que des peuplades grecs se sont établies dans les régions sus-nommées |