Previous PageNext Page d-v Black, devil, black birds; noir, diable, oiseaux noirs

Engl.daubto smear
Engl.reg.dob, daup etc.Carrion Crow
Franç.: Liègeadoblécouvert de boue, FEW 23: 188
Esp.adobemud, mud brick
BasquedebruxkaStorm Petrel, 115 (cf. diavolin, hereunder)
Engl.deucedevil (see below)
Franç.: Poitoudouarerto blacken, soil
Franç.: Poutroyedwerlâye(vache) tachetée de rouge et noir id.) devil (black monster in the traditions)
Kurdish: Soranidewdemon
Pers.: Sivanddifdemon
Gael.I.domhnall dubhRook, 283
Engl.devildevil; Black Swift, 321 (cf. ital. diavolo, below)
Engl.: Som.devil's birdRook, 283
Engl.(o.liter.)diwell"a bird called Coute and because of its blackness is called a Diwell" (liter. 1580).
Engl.:'il's ploverLapwing, 158, also called black plover
Engl.devilfishmanta (all black above)
Esp.diavolínStorm Petrel, 115
Ital.: Viterbouccello del diavoloBlack Swift, 321
Ital.: Bagolinocassa-diâvolBlack Swift, 321
Franç.: wall.neur-diâlBlack Swift, 321
Roman.diavoli de ochi negri(aveà niste) she had "devil black " eyes
Bulg.diavolicaCormorant, 105
Esp.diablodevil; petrel, 111
Esp.pájaro diabloCoot, 138
Esp.garza diabloGlossy Ibis, 131
Franç.reg.diabloReed Bunting, 437
Franç.: MouscrondiabloCoot, 138
Franç.: H.Marnepoule du diableRook, 282
Franç.: VSmuron du diableblack berry of Rubusulmifolius
Franç.: Finistèreoiseau du diableStorm Petrel, 115
Franç.: Dominiquediablotinpetrels
Franç.: St.ValérydiablotinTufted Duck, 48
Prov.diablé de marCormorant, 105
Franç.: Cayenne(Guy.)devil des palétuviersCormorant, 105
Franç.: Haïtimerle devilGiant Cowbird, 911

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