Czech | straka | Magpie, 288 (Sln., Sbc. id.) |
Czech | straka | Tufted Duck, 48 |
Slk. | strakós, strakac | Shrike, 326 |
Czech | strakoc | spotted cow |
Czech | ostrakati | to colour, variegate |
Czech | straçec | Great Spotted Woodpecker,273 |
Germ.: Mähren | waldstrka, holstraka | Great Spotted Woodpecker, 273 |
Czech | strakopoud, strakopand | Great Grey Shrike, 324 |
Slk. | strákavý drost | Song Thrush, 339 |
Sbc. | Strokast | spotted |
Sbc. | trakast | striated |
Sbc. | strakoçet var. | Great Grey Shrike, 324 |
Sbc. | Stroka, Stioka | Spotted Crake, 143 |
Ukr. | strekotanja | Corn Crake, 146 |
Ukr. | strokaty | spotted |
Ukr. | zovna strokata | Great Spotted Woodpecker, 273 |
Germ. | stroh | straw |
Engl. | straw | dry stems of cereals (from their aspect) |
Engl. | strawberry | a speckled berry, French fraiseð3.2.46., Alb. lulestrydheð3.3.6.5. |
Lat. | striga, stria | streak |
Ital. | striscia | id. |
Franç. | strié | striated |