Anc.Greek | skotá | Twilight |
Anc.Greek | skotádzo | to get dark |
Mod.Greek | syskotadzo | id. |
Anc.Greek | skiás | Shade |
Anc.Greek | skiathís, skíaina | a fish Corvinusnigrus, french. ombre |
Anc.Greek | skythrós | dark |
Anc.Greek | Skythos | the "Scythes", peoples of the dark regions to the North. Hesychius mentioned that the Skythos were also Celts; see Kimbroið3.3.14.3.; cf. aglyð3.1.54. and the following: |
Lat. | Scoti | (borrowing from Greek) the Irish |
Mod.Greek: Naxos | skathía | twilight |
Mod.Greek: Maked. | skouthida | twilight |
Franç.: Lourdes | esquit | tombée du jour, FEW 22: 244 |
Franç.: Suc (Ariège) | resquit | reflet, FEW 23: 184 |
Gael.I. | scead | spod, mark |
Gael.I. | sceo | cloud |
Anc.Greek | skoios | cloudy |
Goth. | skadus | shade |
Germ. | schatte | id. |
Engl. | schatte | id. |
Germ. | shade | darkness caused by interception of rays of light |