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3.6.2 m-r-f, m-r-v Dark; sombre

Anc.Greekmórphnos, orphnósdark; a large bird of prey, perhaps the Black Vulture
Anc.GreekMorpheusson of Hypnos, god of sleep. A relation between mórphnos and orphnós "obscure" and Morpheus and Orpheus seems evident
Ital.morféaleprosy; spot on a horse coat
Port.murifelaBlue Rock Thrush, 345
Franç.: wall.mourfèloDunnock, 408
Bulg.moravodark, > Morave, Dinaric people with dark hair, Czech Morava Moravia
Sbc.moravkaBlack Tern, 100
Czechpolák mourovyTufted Duck, 48

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