Engl. | mob | a woman's hairdo, a flight of ducks, a group of people. |
Engl. | Moby Dick | nickname of the whale (a tautonym, dick = thick) |
Engl. | mop | shaggy hair, etc.; not related to Fr. mappe tablecloth |
Engl. | muppet, mopsey | doll ð4.2.14. |
Germ. | mopse | plump and short child |
Germ.reg. | möpsche | Wren, 406 |
Engl.reg. | mop, mawp | Bullfinch, 430 |
Engl. | titnaup | Titmouse, 390 |
Engl.reg. | nope | Bullfinch, 430 |
Gallego | arao ñope | Macareux, 73 |
Lith. | snãpas | beak |
Lettish | šnibis | Snipe, 194 |
Dutch | snip | Woodcock, 193 |
Germ. | schnepfe | Woodcock, 193 |
Germ.reg. | schnepfente | Pintail, 41 |
Engl. | neb, nib | beak |
Dutch | sneb | beak |
Germ. | schnabel | beak |
Engl. | snub | short and thick, stumpy |
Engl.: Scot. | snubbert | caruncle |
Engl. | knob | Bullfinch, 430; hump etc. |
Engl. (slang) | nob | head; person of high position, cf. nabàb, hereunder |
Engl. | snob | someone who pretend to be in high position |
Franç. | noble | noble, superior, excellent |
Basque | nabari | well-known |
Basque | nabar | ploughshare; knife |
Span. | navaja | knife |
Hindi | nabàb | governor, wealthy man |
Pol. | nabob | moneybags |
Pol. | nabiez | to swell in pride |
Lettish | naba | navel |
Franç. | nombril | (with nasalisation) navel. The root n-b, n-f is more ancient than the Gr. and Lat. forms (omphalos,umbilicus) which are the result of aphereses |
Franç. | nombre | number: a certain quantity. Not from a root nem- "to divide"; a number is a unit, not a division |
Kurdish | naw | navel |
Engl. | navel | navel |
Cat. | navellèt | Wren, 406 |
Franç.sud | nave | (concave) valley, coomb |
Engl. | nave | hub of a wheel; (conccave) the largest part of a church with a concave ceiling (cf. nef, hereunder) |
Germ. | nabe | hub of a wheel |
Span. | nave | ship |
Franç. | navire | large ship. Sans rapport avec l'a.gr. naus "bateau": ce qui va sur l'eau ð10.12.2.; dans ce sens, un navire ne diffère pas des autres bateaux. Ce en quoi il diffère c'est sa grandeur; cf. nef, hereunder |
Gael.S. | nèamh | the vault of heaven |
Breton | neñv | sky |
Cymric | nef | the vault of heaven |
Franç. | nef | large ship; (voir remarque sub navire, ci-dessus; partie centrale d'une église, cf. nave, ci-dessus) |
Arabic | nauf | hump of the camel |