l-f |
Pers. | làf | praise, boasting |
Svensk | lof | praise |
Bulg. | laf | word |
Alb. | llaf, ljaf | chattering |
Roman. | laf | chattering; lâfâi to play |
Engl. | laugh | rire, cf. esclaffer, hereunder, and lachenð5.12.1. |
Cymric | llef | moaning |
Results will appear here l-f |
Pers. | làf | praise, boasting |
Svensk | lof | praise |
Bulg. | laf | word |
Alb. | llaf, ljaf | chattering |
Roman. | laf | chattering; lâfâi to play |
Engl. | laugh | rire, cf. esclaffer, hereunder, and lachenð5.12.1. |
Cymric | llef | moaning |