Ital.reg. | gazan (tordo) | Song Thrush, 339 |
Ital.: Fiesole | velia gazzina | Red-backed Shrike, 326 |
Ital.: TI | Sgazöla | Skylark, 297 |
Ital.reg. | gazáro et var. | Song Thrush, 339 |
Franç.: Queyras | avazar | pousser des cris, FEW 22: 63 |
Ital. | gazerotta | great chatterbox |
Franç.: Havre | gazette | chatterbox, gossip |
Franç. | gazette | gazette: journal of gossips |
Ital.nord | gazèt et var. | Red-backed Shrike, 326 |
Esp.reg. | gazetilla | Garganey, 43 |
Cymric | geiz | to warble |
Breton | geiza | to warble |
Franç.(a.litt.) | gaziller | to sing (Skylark, 297) |
Franç. | gazouiller | to sing (birds) |
Franç.: Versaillet | dégazulá | aboyer, gueuler, FEW 22: 8 |
Kurdish: Sorani | gaz | cry |
Prov. | gaspasia | murmurer, FEW 22: 8 |
Franç.: Char.Inf. | jaspiner | to sing (Chaffinch, 432) |
Franç. | jaspiner | to chatter |
Franç.(a.litt.) | gaser | to call (Jay, 290) |
Franç. | jaser | to chatter (Magpie, 288); to prattle |
Engl. | jazz | insecere, pretentious talk (in the expression "all that jazz"); musical mode; entered in the English language via the French of Louisiana ("orig. uncert.") |
Breton | yezh | language, idiom |
Skr. | yàcatic | to sollicite |
Germ. (OHG) | jehan | to speak, to acknowledge |
Germ. | ja | yes |
Russian | jazyk | language, speech |
Pol. | jaskot | to cry, make noise |
Tokh.B | yàsk | to beg, ask |
O.Frisian | askia | to ask |
Engl. | ask | to request information |
Germ. | heischen | to demand |