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4.7.5 mas Convex, large, quantity; convexe, grand, quantité

Gael.S.màsthe posterior
Gael.S.lach màsachPochard, 50 (bulging head)
Franç.: centremasclast hatched of a brood
Franç.: Bourb.masconithe younger brother
Franç.masseheap, mass (implement), quantity
Lettishmasasthe masses, the people
Mod.Greekmazévoto gather, etc.
Kurdishmezintall; Avesta maz id.
Arm.MasisMount Arara
Czechmuzman, husbandð 4.7.12
Lat.masmale: the tall sex ð4.7.9.
Ital.maschioman, mast, dungeon, nave of a wheel
Roman.mâscathaving large flowers or grains
Franç.(a.litt.)mezlarge wave, FEW 23: 31
Prov.mashouse, farm, French maison, Ital. (obs.) masgione house
Ital.masieraheap of stones
Prov.: Mars.moustoexcellent, FEW 22: 50
Engl.mostGerm. meist, cf. moreð4.7.12.
Alb.çmosextreme, Engl. utmost
Engl.utmostextreme, the highest
Span.masmore, cf. muchoð4.7.4.
Ital.massacrowd, heap, quantity, machineð4.7.4.
Ital.messecrop, harvest
Ital.mèsseremaster, lord
Franç.messielord (not from Hebr. mashiah "oint" as in Klein)
Ital.mássimothe greatest
Engl.mastspar rising above the hull, French mât, Ital. maschio, ci-dessus (no kin to Lat. malus)
Engl.mastifflarge, powerful dog (certainly not from mansuetus "tame")
Franç.mâtinlarge dog, mastiff, cf. molossos ð4.7.11
Franç.monstrehuge, enormous; monster: large, frightening creature
Franç.: VSmatzonheap
Ital.: TImozzonadamole hill
Ital.mazzochignon, bouquet
Ital.: Terran.mazza-caniGolden Plover, 161 (large head)
Ital.: Ligur.massan, massucotoGolden Plover, 161 (large head)
Ital.: LigurmassucoStone Curlew, 154
Span.manzanaapple; group of things
Franç.mansardeattic: convex part of a house; Engl. mansard a hip roof (not "from the architecte Mansart")
Engl.mansionlarge dwelling, French manoirð4.7.9.

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